Stephen Min gives his testimony with Royal Family Kids Camp.
Alejandro Foucault gives his life testimony and his service with Local Missions Ministry.
Andrew Shin shares his threads testimony of how he found community in Tapestry, which led him to serve in RFKC (Royal Foster Kids Camp).
Jehuda Kusuma shares about how joining Tapestry's cohort group called Rooted has given him community and support in his life.
Melodie Ahn shares her threads testimony of being called to global missions and deciding to go on AMI 1-Year Internship.
Lori Mabunga shares her threads testimony of becoming a wounded healer.
Helen Shui shares her threads testimony on her journey of healing through the church community.
Daniel Hong shares his threads testimony on his journey of faith in Christ as a pre-med student.
Dave Hertt shares his threads testimony of hoping in Jesus when he was unhoused.
Caroline Min shares a threads testimony of camper "M's" experience of God's love through RFKC.
David Bui shares his threads testimony on his journey of discovering Jesus to be his great treasure.
Josh Yeh shares his threads testimony about how his life was transformed by the love of Jesus Christ.
Justin Chung shares his threads testimony on experiencing community through cell group.
Yoojin Kim shares her threads testimony on her experience of God's healing found in community through cell groups.