Blessed Because She Believed


December 2, 2022 • Irma Presley • Luke 1:45

Tis the season for thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings that fill our hearts with faith and hope!

Are you in a crisis of faith? Are you in need of a blessing?

We welcome women of all ages to join us for our Christmas Dessert Nightcfor a timeless message of Mary's faith - “Blessed Because She Believed" (Luke 1:45).

Our guest speaker, Irma Presley of Calvary Chapel South Jersey, has been a pastor’s wife for over 35 years. She raised six children and now enjoys spending time with her 16 grandchildren. Her work outside her home includes working as a Police Chaplain and lay-counselor, and teaching women near and far about the healing love of Jesus.

We look forward to a blessed night of worship, fellowship and a word of encouragement as we gather together to glean from Mary's example of trusting God with our circumstances though we don't have all the answers!