
Are You Ready?

Revelation 22:6-21, THE END… Now What?

December 3, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 22:6–21

The final end of the Book of Revelation is upon us and it ends with “These words are faithful and true” and “Surely I am coming quickly.” These days it is difficult to weigh and discern things, but have the One who is faithful, true, and offers the waters of Eternal Life Freely—may we at least discern this Great Truth. Come and hear this Sunday as we close the book of Revelation—He is coming quickly…   Attributions: Inspiring Folk by Alex Grohl URL: License Code: RU38HZKEV9 Acoustic Romantic Wedding Guitar Folk by TimCat URL: License Code: P73DTXQYEF

Revelation 21:9-22:5, Heaven… It’s Beautiful!

November 26, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 21:9–27, Revelation 22:1–5

Beauty and perfection. Bringing heaven to earth and having the creation restored to a point from before its fall. This is what is to unfold here on earth during this part of Revelation. Come and be amazed as we look forward to this study!   Attributions: Inspiring Folk by Alex Grohl URL: License Code: RU38HZKEV9 Acoustic Romantic Wedding Guitar Folk by TimCat URL: License Code: P73DTXQYEF

Revelation 21:1-8, The Final Frontier

November 19, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 21:1–8

A new heaven and a new earth! No more tears, death, sorrow, or crying. Where God will literally dwell with mankind on earth… It is hard to imagine what God’s Word so plainly promises, and that the word He uses--- “Behold…” is appropriate. Come and glimpse what the future holds for this world!

Revelation 20:11-15, The Second Death

November 5, 2023

A final judgement from the One who has the ultimate authority TO judge and who knows all things done in public, to private, to even the motives of the heart. If the first death is simply to die physically in this world, then what is the second death and how might it apply to any one of us…? Come as pastor Troy unpacks the first and second resurrections as well as the first and second deaths. Attributions: Inspiring Folk by Alex Grohl URL: License Code: RU38HZKEV9 Acoustic Romantic Wedding Guitar Folk by TimCat URL: License Code: P73DTXQYEF

Revelation 20:1-10, The Final Millenium on Earth

October 29, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 20:1–10

A thousand years is a long time, however it is like a day to God. Contrary to popular belief, Satan is not the equal to God – God even uses an angel to take hold of him and bind him for a thousand years. Why only a thousand years? Come and see, as we witness more of God’s plan unfold and fall more in love with Him in the process.

Revelation 19:11-21, The Coming King

October 22, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 19:11–21

Jesus the coming King, no longer as a Lamb, but as a Lion in His full glory as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! This is what will enfold before all the nations, armies and eyes of the world. This event will start His literal and physical reign in the world, but do you have that reign of Him right now in your heart? You can…come and see, this Sunday!

Revelation 19:1-10, A Wedding Celebration in Heaven

October 15, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 19:1–10

Have you ever wondered what it would be like for True justice to be served? True and Righteous judgements from a place of absolute purity? This is that place in chapter 19 of Revelation, of celebration for it being done… and then Jesus consummating the marriage supper as He lifts up the His Bride (the church) to sit at the table, pure and holy in His presence! Come and be refreshed as we look forward to the future together!

Revelation 18:1-24, The Coming Economic Collapse

October 8, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 18

Chapter 18 of Revelation continues with the economic collapse of the world and the root of it is the “love” of money… This study will help each one of us evaluate our own hearts and see if there are really unseen roots in us that might be entangled with the things of the world and how we can remedy this…giving us the freedom we never knew existed.

Revelation 17:1-18, The Coming World Religion

October 1, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 17

As the enemy has been slowly bringing together his plan to sway the world into a one-world government, religion and control, God has allowed it for His overall plan for its ultimate destruction and His victory. Is there anything in your life that you may have let sway you away from God’s plan of salvation for you or His plan for your life? Come and see God and His Word bring sobriety of mind for us to be faithful to His Truth today!

Revelation 16:12-21, Are You Battling the Lord?

September 24, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 16:12–21

The final judgements of God are to be released…yet  there are still those that are still resisting and battling  against God Almighty! Are there things in your life and heart that are difficult to give to God or maybe you’re just in a place of stagnancy? Come and hear the signs we should be looking for and the One we should be looking to…

Revelation 16:1-11, God is Serious About Repentance

September 17, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 16:1–11

The bowl judgements are being poured out through righteousness that is just and deserved, but they “did not repent.” What is a repentance that God recognizes? Have you ever been “sorry” for something or to someone and what were the outward as well as inward signs that was the evidence of that? Come and learn what repentance is this Sunday as Pastor Troy shares God’s heart on this action word…

Revelation 15:1-8, Examining the Wrath of God

September 10, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 15

The final Righteous acts of judgements are about to be poured out upon the earth—they are calculated and Holy. Yet, mankind on the earth is still resistant to God… Come and hear as Pastor Troy unpacks these judgements and learn where a calloused and resistant heart can lead.

Revelation 14:14-20, A World Ripe for Judgment

September 3, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 14:14–20

A farmer reaps a harvest when wheat has become fully grown, however, this is a different type of reaping altogether. Many weeds can look just like the wheat when they are in early growth; it is only in the latter growth that the difference can be determined by the farmer. This is a time of reaping down to the heart that only God can see. Come and grow together with us this Sunday!

Revelation 14:6-13, The Politically Incorrect Proclamations

August 20, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 14:6–13

The Gospel of God Almighty declared to the whole world—unhindered. What would it be like to hear only Truth and no deceptions in this world? Would it be odd…? Would it be refreshing…? At this point in Revelation, this is what is happening in the world—come and hear…this Sunday!

Revelation 14:1-5, Marks of the Redeemed

August 13, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 14:1–5

Many of us love music and new songs that come out. Here we find in Revelation that a New song is being played before the throne of God. A New phase on earth in the tribulation that involves a new group standing before the Lamb—144,000 and what do they have written on their foreheads? Come and see…this Sunday!