John 21:15-17, Jesus Asks, Do You Love Me

May 29, 2022 • John 21:15–17

What a powerful question, "Do You Love Me?". Jesus asked Simon, but Simon was just the conduit to you and me. So put yourself in Simon's shoes, and ask yourself if Jesus asked me, knowing what He was asking Simon, what would you say? And what would your follow through look like?

This message from Jim Hare will challenge you, are you ready?

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Elder Jim Hare - Who Do You Honor as your Lord? - John 6:47-51

April 14, 2024 • Jim Hare • John 6:47–51

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Matthew 1:18-23, Are You Still Looking for that Perfect Christmas Gift?

December 17, 2023 • Jim Hare • Matthew 1:18–23

This is a time where people are being thought of, gifts are being given to others, and we are receiving gifts as well during this Christmas season. Some gifts are small, some are large, and some are…Perfect. Given at just the right time, to the right person, for the right reason—come and see the Perfect Christmas gift!

Elder Jim Hare, Are You Entering a New Season?

August 27, 2023 • Ecclesiastes 3:1–8

As time goes by, we continue to face new seasons of life that at times can be confusing, scary or unpredictable. What can we expect as we enter these new seasons of life and how do we not just persevere, but excel in life’s new seasons! Come and see, as Elder Jim shares his heart and God’s Word.