Mark 6:14-56, From a Mess to the Miraculous

April 28, 2024 • Troy Neeley • Mark 6:14–56

How does Jesus receive each one of us—just as we are or must we clean ourselves up first? When we accept Jesus’ authority in our lives, He starts an incredible process as we trust Him. Let us all gather at His feet and clear any obstacles within our hearts to “hear” what He has to say to each one of us personally!

More from Mark

Mark 9:1-41, The War You Cannot See, Part 1

June 9, 2024 • Troy Neeley • Mark 9:1–41

When we come to Jesus and desire to walk with Him, there is always something going on behind the scenes spiritually. How do we trust God and attain victory through the areas He leads us? Let us grow together this Sunday as we learn at His feet!

Mark 8:34-38, The Cost of Discipleship

June 2, 2024 • Troy Neeley • Mark 8:34–38

What does is mean to “follow” Jesus? Is it just a cliché statement, but is there something else wholly deeper that might “validate” that statement? Let’s gather together to understand that call of God to every believer that claims to be a Christian and what else it might entail.

Mark 8:1-33, The Rocky Road to Salvation

May 26, 2024 • Troy Neeley • Mark 8:1–33

Are you one that needs signs to believe something? Jesus performed many signs to many people and to some, He chose not to. What was the conditional difference in their hearts to the ones He did perform signs to, and why? Come and join us as we discover together, reflect personally, and draw a closer to Him.