Taking Your Spiritual Temperature, Revelation 3:14-22

February 5, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 3:14–22

The church of Laodicea; the “Lukewarm” church. Being not hot, not cold, but lukewarm... Room temperature feels nice to us, but have you ever drank a gulp of lukewarm water…?

To have one foot in the world and one foot in the church—living a life of partial obedience, can be truly miserable for the Christian, and equally distasteful to God. How do you make that “crossover” and not straddle the fence of your faith? Tune in this Sunday as Pastor Troy unpacks…the lukewarm church in Revelation!

More from Revelation

Revelation 22:6-21, THE END… Now What?

December 3, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 22:6–21

The final end of the Book of Revelation is upon us and it ends with “These words are faithful and true” and “Surely I am coming quickly.” These days it is difficult to weigh and discern things, but have the One who is faithful, true, and offers the waters of Eternal Life Freely—may we at least discern this Great Truth. Come and hear this Sunday as we close the book of Revelation—He is coming quickly…   Attributions: Inspiring Folk by Alex Grohl URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-folk-ab3kuhm License Code: RU38HZKEV9 Acoustic Romantic Wedding Guitar Folk by TimCat URL:https://elements.envato.com/acoustic-romantic-wedding-guitar-folk-t9r32sq License Code: P73DTXQYEF

Revelation 21:9-22:5, Heaven… It’s Beautiful!

November 26, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 21:9–27, Revelation 22:1–5

Beauty and perfection. Bringing heaven to earth and having the creation restored to a point from before its fall. This is what is to unfold here on earth during this part of Revelation. Come and be amazed as we look forward to this study!   Attributions: Inspiring Folk by Alex Grohl URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-folk-ab3kuhm License Code: RU38HZKEV9 Acoustic Romantic Wedding Guitar Folk by TimCat URL:https://elements.envato.com/acoustic-romantic-wedding-guitar-folk-t9r32sq License Code: P73DTXQYEF

Revelation 21:1-8, The Final Frontier

November 19, 2023 • Troy Neeley • Revelation 21:1–8

A new heaven and a new earth! No more tears, death, sorrow, or crying. Where God will literally dwell with mankind on earth… It is hard to imagine what God’s Word so plainly promises, and that the word He uses--- “Behold…” is appropriate. Come and glimpse what the future holds for this world!