What If...?

Catch A Vision of What Our World Could Be

We Love Story

November 27, 2022 • Jim Johnson

What could happen in our world if we follow the example of Jesus and love story, sharing God’s Big Story and every new one he writes?

We Lead Forward

November 20, 2022 • Paul Basden

What could happen in our world if we follow the example of Jesus and lead forward, anticipating what’s next and having the courage to do it?

We Do Stuff

November 13, 2022 • Alison Leamon

What could happen in our world if we follow the example of Jesus and do stuff, turning what we’re learning into action?

We Are Real

November 6, 2022 • Graeme Golding

What could happen in our world if we follow the example of Jesus and are real, taking off our masks and daring to be known?

We Think Family

October 30, 2022 • Paul Basden

What could happen in our world if we follow the example of Jesus and think family, growing marriages and families that are built to last?

We Smile First

October 23, 2022 • Alison Leamon

What could happen in our world if we follow the example of Jesus and smile first, welcoming people so they feel accepted and expected?