Under New Management

A Study of Romans (Ch. 12-16) Series

August 13, 2017 • Lance Lawson

ABOUT THE SERIES: In a society that’s continually changing, how can followers of Jesus live out their faith in the real world in real, concrete ways that demonstrate fidelity to Christ and his kingdom? In the latest series, Living Responsibly, the CCCC Teaching Team will look at what Romans 12-16 tells us about followers of Jesus can specifically and practically honor God in the world around them. Join us not to learn about the Christian life in abstract, but in a way that honors God in our everyday experience.

Note: Due to Hurricane Harvey, this series was cut short.

Dealing with “Different” Christians

October 8, 2017 • Yancey Arrington

ABOUT THE SERIES: In a society that’s continually changing, how can followers of Jesus live out their faith in the real world in real, concrete ways that demonstrate fidelity to Christ and his kingdom? In the latest series, Living Responsibly, the CCCC Teaching Team will look at what Romans 12-16 tells us about followers of Jesus can specifically and practically honor God in the world around them. Join us not to learn about the Christian life in abstract, but in a way that honors God in our everyday experience. Note: Due to Hurricane Harvey, this series was cut short.

Dual Citizenship

August 20, 2017 • Bruce Wesley

ABOUT THE SERIES: In a society that’s continually changing, how can followers of Jesus live out their faith in the real world in real, concrete ways that demonstrate fidelity to Christ and his kingdom? In the latest series, Living Responsibly, the CCCC Teaching Team will look at what Romans 12-16 tells us about followers of Jesus can specifically and practically honor God in the world around them. Join us not to learn about the Christian life in abstract, but in a way that honors God in our everyday experience. Note: Due to Hurricane Harvey, this series was cut short.