Moving Forward in The Strength of His Spirit

Zechariah 4:1-7 | Study #20230115

January 15, 2023 • Pastor Ed Taylor • Zechariah 4:1–7, 1 Samuel 16:13, Isaiah 61:1, John 3:8, Luke 10:33–34

God's will is that you and I move forward in the strength of His Holy Spirit. We cannot make it alone - we must rely on the Lord’s power. So, open your Bibles to Zechariah chapter 4, as part of a Bible study entitled "Moving Forward in the Strength of His Spirit".

Making substantive changes in life is key for lasting success. Nothing can be done on our own power; it must come from the Spirit of God. Zechariah 4:6 highlights this truth and serves as a foundational reminder that all ministry must be done by the Lord's power and not by our own strength.

Trusting in the Lord and leaning on Him, not our own understanding, is a way to empower ourselves and find success. When we do so, God will open doors of opportunity before us that no man can close and close doors that no man can open. We don't need to manipulate or scheme to honor God's will for us. He blesses those who surrender their lives to Him and acknowledge that all God has for them is theirs by faith. When our life seems upside down or going well, we should recognize that this trust in the Lord is beneficial regardless of our circumstances. 

We can think of Zerubbabel as an example; although he was overwhelmed by the task at hand and his efforts were met with apathy from the people, when he surrendered it all to the Lord, he found hope in trusting God's plan instead of trying to fix things himself.

This text speaks of the power of God to complete our lives and fulfill His promises. It is a reminder that although we may not understand or appreciate it at times, He has a plan that goes beyond our circumstances and current understanding. We are reminded in Psalm 57:2 that God will perform all things for us, and no matter how difficult or challenging life may become, we can trust in Him to complete what He has begun.

The text contains references to Psalm 138:8, Isaiah 26:12, and Philippians 1:6. These verses demonstrate that God will complete his good work in us and we can be confident that His mercy is forever enduring. Additionally, a vision of a menorah with two trees providing a continuous supply of oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit to remind us of the power and peace that He brings. 

This is significant for those struggling with waiting for something that has been in progress for 16 years as it encourages them to trust in God's faithfulness to see it through until completion.

It can be a challenge to face the “great mountain” that stands in our way. But we serve a God who is greater than anything we encounter and He is ready to minister to us, bringing healing, cleansing, and warmth. He can illuminate His Word to give us the truth and understanding we need. With the Holy Spirit at work in our lives, nothing is outside of the realm of possibility.

Look no further, the insurmountable mountains in our lives can be conquered by the power of God's spirit. Zerubbabel experienced the discouragement of apathy, greed and his own efforts to rebuild the temple, yet he found hope in God's promise that if we have faith even as small as a mustard seed it will be sufficient for us to move those mountains in our lives. The power behind these victories lie solely with grace from God himself - there is nothing we can take credit for. Let us look up and marvel at what God has done and trust that He wants to do more.

Believers are called to die spiritually to themselves, their plans, methods and schemes. It is only by trusting in the Lord and His will that true revival can be experienced. The Lord knows best, so it is important to stay humble and seek Him first above all else rather than relying on our own ideas or plans.

Believers must die to themselves and their plans, methods, and schemes as they have been crucified with Christ. To live a life in the newness of God's purpose requires faith and trust in the Lord rather than relying on their own five year plans or manipulations. There is no set list for Christians to follow, but instead seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness so all other needs will be met. True revival comes from brokenness, humility, and prayer in the presence of God.

God has entrusted us with you and we aim to show our appreciation by serving, teaching and loving you. We learn from Acts 1:8, which instructs us to have power through the Holy Spirit. On the day of Pentecost, they all gathered together in one place and heard a sound from Heaven. This church is not powered by human effort or plans, but comes directly from God so that He can fulfill His promises to us. In order to gain power, we must admit our weaknesses and humbly submit to the Holy Spirit's burning inside us. The Lord will open doors for us, even if it means closing others; trusting in Him no matter what will bring about greater blessings than we can imagine.

We are grateful that God has trusted us with you and we will love, serve, teach, and provide for you. The Bible tells us to receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. This power is for mountains and families; for ministry, work, and business; and it is from heaven alone--not from human efforts or intelligence. We must admit where we are and submit to the Holy Spirit in repentance so that we can receive these promises of power from on high. We must accept what is and reach out for what could be, instead of settling for less than what God has planned in order to have all He has promised us.

Study #20230115

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