The Battle Belongs to the Lord in 2023

1 Samuel 17:31-58 | Study #20230101

January 1, 2023 • Pastor Ed Taylor • 1 Samuel 17:31–58, Psalm 73, 2 Samuel 21:18, 2 Corinthians 10:4–6, Exodus 34:5–7

The battle belongs to the Lord. It's important that we grasp that even as we're entering in with this freshness and this newness, the battles we're facing, the situations that we're in, the difficulties that we have, the people that might be against us, whatever it is, the battle belongs to the Lord. And it's important that we recognize that our perspective matters, how we see things, how we process things, what we choose to meditate on what we choose to think about what we choose to take in and to receive, it matters. And it especially matters when we're facing difficulties, or trials, or as we see in the text today, the Giants in life. 

In First Samuel 17, we see the timeless story of David and Goliath. Goliath is a giant sent by the Philistines to destroy Israel, yet despite his size and strength, it is David that prevails in faith and courage. This battle teaches us that no matter how formidable our enemies may be, the victory belongs to the Lord. In this text we learn about faith and hope in the face of trials, as well as a reminder to trust in God even when we are overwhelmed by circumstances beyond our control. It has been 40 days of mocking from the enemy with no one stepping up to challenge them - but then comes David who reminds us that we can find strength through God's power if only we will accept it.

David, a young shepherd boy, had a testimony of his faith in God and his experience of God's saving power. As a young man entrusted with taking care of his father's flock, he encountered lions and bears who threatened the sheep. He courageously defended them and killed both lions and bears in the process. This faithfulness to God and power inspired him to face an even larger enemy - Goliath the Philistine. David knew that the Lord who had delivered him from the paw of the lion and bear was able to do it again. With newfound courage based on his youthfulness, purity of faith and experience, David stood firm against Goliath as he reminded himself that the battle belonged to God.

Trust in God and don't play the victim. Life has its struggles and difficulties, but if we have faith in the Lord, the victory will be ours. There is no shame in wanting to do what's right even if we stumble along the way - God loves us and there is no list of "naughty or nice". Jesus Christ came to die for all of us regardless of our behaviour. Turn your life back towards Him and face any giant you encounter head on, trusting that whatever happens, God leads us in victory through His Son Jesus Christ.

Get your eyes off the giant. No matter how daunting a challenge may seem, Jesus Christ is our hero and He alone is faithful. Remember that God is for you and not against you, and His power, strength and abilities are yours by faith. With Him on your side, no giant can stand and no problem can continue. The battle belongs to the Lord! Don't forget that in every foe there is a victory, so go out today in the Name of God, knowing that the right outcome will prevail.

Study #20230101 

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