Digging Ditches

2 Kings 3:16 | Study #20230122

January 22, 2023 • Pastor Ed Taylor • 2 Kings 3:16, 2 Kings 3, Philippians 3:13–14, 2 Corinthians 9:8, Galatians 6:9

Today's Bible study is entitled "Digging Ditches", and it reminds us of our previous lesson on the importance of trusting in God and that "The Battle Belongs to the Lord". No matter what we face, large or small, if we walk by faith, we can trust in God for the outcome.


Entering into this new year, we must remember that the Lord will fight our battles. We are responsible to see and make people aware of Jesus, so he can be preeminent in our lives. Last week, we learned about Zerubbabel who faced apathy and indifference to God's will but was encouraged by the prophet Zechariah. As we enter a new year, it is a blank slate filled with opportunities and possibilities. To maximize them we must consciously choose to press forward in faith, look to God and be expectant for a fresh work of the Spirit. As seen in our text today, one way to do that is to learn how to dig ditches.


King Jehoram of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, but still persisted in sin like Jeroboam his father. God does not want anyone to persist in their sin; He wants us to be born again and receive His Word. To make matters worse, King Jehoram overtaxed Mesha, king of Moab who eventually rebelled against Israel. To fight back against Moab, Jehoshaphat, king of Judah offered to join forces with Jehoram by promising his people and his horses for the cause.


After seven days of marching, the army of Jehoshaphat and Jehoram had reached a point of desperation with no water for the soldiers or animals. Jehoram was quick to blame God for the difficulty but Jehoshaphat recognized that a word from God would be necessary in this situation. They were then told Elisha was nearby and all three kings went to inquire of him. The story serves as an example for when we find ourselves in difficult situations and realize there is no provision – we must look to God for his help and guidance.


As one author put it, we struggle in life because we are unbelieving believers – not living according to the promises of God and trusting Him with our lives. We need a word from the Lord in these last days – not opinions of man or what religion has to offer – but direct access from God Himself. When facing challenging times, we must ask ourselves "What should I do?" Elisha's response to King Ahaziah exemplifies this mentality - when asked why he was called instead of the gods of Ahaziah's parents, Elisha replied boldly that before the Lord of Hosts, whom he stands for, there is no other god. He then pointed out Jehoshaphat's presence as well and declared that he would not look at nor see Ahaziah unless Jehoshaphat was present. In order to make a meaningful change, we must recognize our current state and seek a word from the Lord in faith.


Jehoshaphat is a reminder that those who follow God will receive blessings, while others may suffer the consequences of sin. Music can be used to glorify God and set the atmosphere for hearing his word, or can be used to promote an opposite message. It is important to maintain control of what goes into our home, car and ears in order to avoid environmental influences that don't align with God's word.



Obey the Word of God, not man. You have the Holy Spirit inside you and can discern what God wants for your life. Take responsibility for when you don't obey Him and repent. There are many ways to seek the Living Water of God, such as reading scripture, praying, taking communion, being in fellowship with others, living humbly and admitting when wrong. It can be difficult to admit one's sin but is necessary for personal growth. The enemy takes away good people from the kingdom which can be disheartening; this lesson was reinforced recently when a well-known pastor was dismissed due to sexual immorality. We must remember that we are not immune to sin and can ask God for forgiveness so we too can become part of His kingdom.


God is calling us to repent and surrender ourselves to Him, so that He can bring restoration and freedom in our lives. We need to fill our lives, hearts, and minds with the worship of the Lord, so that we may hear His voice. The books "The prisoner in the third cell" and "A Tale of Three Kings" can help us if we are feeling disillusioned or hurt by a spiritual leader or pastor. This new year gives us an opportunity for freshness and a new way of living as we humbly put ourselves into the hands of God.


So church, listen, you've got to dig ditches are the enemy will take you out.


It's understandable if the world around us leads to feelings of anxiety and disbelief. However, the Word of Jesus is steadfast and will never pass away. We can lay aside whatever new trends come about each year and instead create an atmosphere conducive to hearing God's voice. This new year we are given a chance to experience a new life that is brought about with a fresh work of the Lord in our hearts.

Study #20230122

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