Digging Ditches

2 Kings 3:16 | Study #20230122

January 22, 2023 • Pastor Ed Taylor • 2 Kings 3:16, 2 Kings 3, Philippians 3:13–14, 2 Corinthians 9:8, Galatians 6:9

Today's Bible study is entitled "Digging Ditches", and it reminds us of our previous lesson on the importance of trusting in God and that "The Battle Belongs to the Lord". No matter what we face, large or small, if we walk by faith, we can trust in God for the outcome.


Entering into this new year, we must remember that the Lord will fight our battles. We are responsible to see and make people aware of Jesus, so he can be preeminent in our lives. Last week, we learned about Zerubbabel who faced apathy and indifference to God's will but was encouraged by the prophet Zechariah. As we enter a new year, it is a blank slate filled with opportunities and possibilities. To maximize them we must consciously choose to press forward in faith, look to God and be expectant for a fresh work of the Spirit. As seen in our text today, one way to do that is to learn how to dig ditches.


King Jehoram of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, but still persisted in sin like Jeroboam his father. God does not want anyone to persist in their sin; He wants us to be born again and receive His Word. To make matters worse, King Jehoram overtaxed Mesha, king of Moab who eventually rebelled against Israel. To fight back against Moab, Jehoshaphat, king of Judah offered to join forces with Jehoram by promising his people and his horses for the cause.


After seven days of marching, the army of Jehoshaphat and Jehoram had reached a point of desperation with no water for the soldiers or animals. Jehoram was quick to blame God for the difficulty but Jehoshaphat recognized that a word from God would be necessary in this situation. They were then told Elisha was nearby and all three kings went to inquire of him. The story serves as an example for when we find ourselves in difficult situations and realize there is no provision – we must look to God for his help and guidance.


As one author put it, we struggle in life because we are unbelieving believers – not living according to the promises of God and trusting Him with our lives. We need a word from the Lord in these last days – not opinions of man or what religion has to offer – but direct access from God Himself. When facing challenging times, we must ask ourselves "What should I do?" Elisha's response to King Ahaziah exemplifies this mentality - when asked why he was called instead of the gods of Ahaziah's parents, Elisha replied boldly that before the Lord of Hosts, whom he stands for, there is no other god. He then pointed out Jehoshaphat's presence as well and declared that he would not look at nor see Ahaziah unless Jehoshaphat was present. In order to make a meaningful change, we must recognize our current state and seek a word from the Lord in faith.


Jehoshaphat is a reminder that those who follow God will receive blessings, while others may suffer the consequences of sin. Music can be used to glorify God and set the atmosphere for hearing his word, or can be used to promote an opposite message. It is important to maintain control of what goes into our home, car and ears in order to avoid environmental influences that don't align with God's word.



Obey the Word of God, not man. You have the Holy Spirit inside you and can discern what God wants for your life. Take responsibility for when you don't obey Him and repent. There are many ways to seek the Living Water of God, such as reading scripture, praying, taking communion, being in fellowship with others, living humbly and admitting when wrong. It can be difficult to admit one's sin but is necessary for personal growth. The enemy takes away good people from the kingdom which can be disheartening; this lesson was reinforced recently when a well-known pastor was dismissed due to sexual immorality. We must remember that we are not immune to sin and can ask God for forgiveness so we too can become part of His kingdom.


God is calling us to repent and surrender ourselves to Him, so that He can bring restoration and freedom in our lives. We need to fill our lives, hearts, and minds with the worship of the Lord, so that we may hear His voice. The books "The prisoner in the third cell" and "A Tale of Three Kings" can help us if we are feeling disillusioned or hurt by a spiritual leader or pastor. This new year gives us an opportunity for freshness and a new way of living as we humbly put ourselves into the hands of God.


So church, listen, you've got to dig ditches are the enemy will take you out.


It's understandable if the world around us leads to feelings of anxiety and disbelief. However, the Word of Jesus is steadfast and will never pass away. We can lay aside whatever new trends come about each year and instead create an atmosphere conducive to hearing God's voice. This new year we are given a chance to experience a new life that is brought about with a fresh work of the Lord in our hearts.

Study #20230122

More from Faith Forward

Moving Forward in The Strength of His Spirit

January 15, 2023 • Pastor Ed Taylor • Zechariah 4:1–7, 1 Samuel 16:13, Isaiah 61:1, John 3:8, Luke 10:33–34

God's will is that you and I move forward in the strength of His Holy Spirit. We cannot make it alone - we must rely on the Lord’s power. So, open your Bibles to Zechariah chapter 4, as part of a Bible study entitled "Moving Forward in the Strength of His Spirit". Making substantive changes in life is key for lasting success. Nothing can be done on our own power; it must come from the Spirit of God. Zechariah 4:6 highlights this truth and serves as a foundational reminder that all ministry must be done by the Lord's power and not by our own strength. Trusting in the Lord and leaning on Him, not our own understanding, is a way to empower ourselves and find success. When we do so, God will open doors of opportunity before us that no man can close and close doors that no man can open. We don't need to manipulate or scheme to honor God's will for us. He blesses those who surrender their lives to Him and acknowledge that all God has for them is theirs by faith. When our life seems upside down or going well, we should recognize that this trust in the Lord is beneficial regardless of our circumstances.  We can think of Zerubbabel as an example; although he was overwhelmed by the task at hand and his efforts were met with apathy from the people, when he surrendered it all to the Lord, he found hope in trusting God's plan instead of trying to fix things himself. This text speaks of the power of God to complete our lives and fulfill His promises. It is a reminder that although we may not understand or appreciate it at times, He has a plan that goes beyond our circumstances and current understanding. We are reminded in Psalm 57:2 that God will perform all things for us, and no matter how difficult or challenging life may become, we can trust in Him to complete what He has begun. The text contains references to Psalm 138:8, Isaiah 26:12, and Philippians 1:6. These verses demonstrate that God will complete his good work in us and we can be confident that His mercy is forever enduring. Additionally, a vision of a menorah with two trees providing a continuous supply of oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit to remind us of the power and peace that He brings.  This is significant for those struggling with waiting for something that has been in progress for 16 years as it encourages them to trust in God's faithfulness to see it through until completion. It can be a challenge to face the “great mountain” that stands in our way. But we serve a God who is greater than anything we encounter and He is ready to minister to us, bringing healing, cleansing, and warmth. He can illuminate His Word to give us the truth and understanding we need. With the Holy Spirit at work in our lives, nothing is outside of the realm of possibility. Look no further, the insurmountable mountains in our lives can be conquered by the power of God's spirit. Zerubbabel experienced the discouragement of apathy, greed and his own efforts to rebuild the temple, yet he found hope in God's promise that if we have faith even as small as a mustard seed it will be sufficient for us to move those mountains in our lives. The power behind these victories lie solely with grace from God himself - there is nothing we can take credit for. Let us look up and marvel at what God has done and trust that He wants to do more. Believers are called to die spiritually to themselves, their plans, methods and schemes. It is only by trusting in the Lord and His will that true revival can be experienced. The Lord knows best, so it is important to stay humble and seek Him first above all else rather than relying on our own ideas or plans. Believers must die to themselves and their plans, methods, and schemes as they have been crucified with Christ. To live a life in the newness of God's purpose requires faith and trust in the Lord rather than relying on their own five year plans or manipulations. There is no set list for Christians to follow, but instead seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness so all other needs will be met. True revival comes from brokenness, humility, and prayer in the presence of God. God has entrusted us with you and we aim to show our appreciation by serving, teaching and loving you. We learn from Acts 1:8, which instructs us to have power through the Holy Spirit. On the day of Pentecost, they all gathered together in one place and heard a sound from Heaven. This church is not powered by human effort or plans, but comes directly from God so that He can fulfill His promises to us. In order to gain power, we must admit our weaknesses and humbly submit to the Holy Spirit's burning inside us. The Lord will open doors for us, even if it means closing others; trusting in Him no matter what will bring about greater blessings than we can imagine. We are grateful that God has trusted us with you and we will love, serve, teach, and provide for you. The Bible tells us to receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. This power is for mountains and families; for ministry, work, and business; and it is from heaven alone--not from human efforts or intelligence. We must admit where we are and submit to the Holy Spirit in repentance so that we can receive these promises of power from on high. We must accept what is and reach out for what could be, instead of settling for less than what God has planned in order to have all He has promised us. Study #20230115

Heading into 2023 Intentionally

January 8, 2023 • Pastor Ed Taylor • Ephesians 3:20–21, Luke 8:41–56, 2 Timothy 3:15, John 12:21, Luke 4:18–19

As we turn the corner into a new year, it’s essential that we are intentional with our choices. John 12 and Ephesians 3 of the Bible poses several questions that should guide us in making wise decisions as we enter this new period. Before we take further steps, let us pause to reflect on how each choice will impact our lives and outcomes in the coming year.   We all have a past, but the past is behind us and we must move forward. We may have to face certain consequences or difficulties, but Jesus is with us and 2023 can be a new turning point. We should make good choices that align with God's will for our lives and His church.  Making wise choices on purpose can lead us to where God wants us to be and help ensure that the Church of God remains eternal - no matter where it is placed strategically in our communities.   God called a family from Southern California to go to a new city, Aurora, to start a church and minister to the people there. On December 26th 1999, they began Sunday morning services in a rented cafeteria at Columbia Middle School and approximately 50 people showed up. As time went on God used this church to grow men and women in Him and teach them His love through His Bible. Even though attendance fluctuated, God remained faithful and continued to minister through the church demonstrating His love for all.   God planted this church in the city 23 years ago, and since then it has been faithfully serving the local community. It is part of a spoke and hub system, where one church plants other churches around the area. This particular moment in time is equally important for everyone, whether they have been attending for 23 years or just joined today. God called people to this city as he loves it and desires to reach out to its residents, friends and families. The building serves as an edifying place to be strengthened and to meet others who are part of the family of God - those whom we need and those who need us. It serves as a reminder of what has been experienced over the past 23 years that was never dreamed of before; when all that was desired was gather a group together to be used by God and teach the Bible.   It reminded me of a scripture because as God is inviting you into what he is doing, because that's really the essence we want to, we want to see what God is doing. We want to observe what God is doing. And then we want to run to it. We don't want to create it, or try to make something happen.   God wants us to dream big and to ask Him how He wants to use our talents. No matter what we ask, God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we can think or imagine according to the power at work within us. We need to continue asking, seeking and knocking so that His glory may be seen in the Church of Jesus Christ now and through all generations. While burdens and obstacles might seem overwhelming, it is important to remember that if we never stop asking, believing and praying.  and dreaming then God will provide a way forward.   God is calling us to something so much higher than religion. He wants us to live a life that is surrendered to Him, rather than focused on our own preferences and desires. He wants us to worship and read His Word, not just spend time in the building or perform a few hours of service. Our relationship with God should be at the core of our lives—it’s at the foot of the cross where we find real life. If we don't make fundamental changes in this relationship now, things can only get worse.   Calvary Church in Aurora exists to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We have been planted by God for this purpose and it's our responsibility to make ourselves available for evangelism, regardless of our personality type. We can bring glory to God by sharing our testimonies, even through painful stories, as these will encourage and draw people's attention to His power in our lives.   Our church is focused on evangelism with a three-fold responsibility: to Win, Disciple, and Send. We understand that not everything can or should be done; rather, we are called to do something led by the Holy Spirit. Our commitment is to teach the Bible verse-by-verse because we know it will change people's lives.   Christians are saved to share the good news of Jesus Christ and make disciples by teaching them how to follow Him. We have a responsibility to send people out to spread God's Word and help others in our own lives. In Mark 16:15, Jesus says to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel," while in Matthew 28:19 He instructs us to "go therefore and make disciples". Finally, in Acts 1:8 He tells us we will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us and we must be His witnesses from Jerusalem to Judea, Samaria, and even unto the ends of the earth.   Believers are called to spread the good news of Jesus Christ beyond the boundaries of their own community. To do this, it is important to keep things simple, stay above reproach and focus on investing in God's kingdom despite seeming impossibilities. Doing so will ensure that believers use their lives to glorify Him and not waste them away in religious practices and empty faith.   God invites us to an incredible invitation of a relationship with Him. He desires that we experience His love and healing, no matter the pain and hurt in our lives. No matter where we live, it is our responsibility as followers of Jesus to spread His love and truth through his Gospel, not just in our local area, but to those all around us.   The Bible tells us that God is the one who comforts us in our troubles, and that even things like grace are impossible without Him. We ask Him to work another impossibility in our lives, until He returns. We want to be a church that provides healing, nourishment and spiritual gifts. We also strive to be a place of launching off for people, so they can be used by God in big ways. The example we must follow is Jesus--one of humility, sacrifice and servanthood.   Jesus invites us to live for Him and surrender to His exclusive devotion. We should strive not to waste our lives, but to be vessels in which God can pour himself into and continue blessing our communities. Let us pray for God's mercy and step up to be used by Him, so that we can bring the same love and grace Jesus brings. Study #20230108

The Battle Belongs to the Lord in 2023

January 1, 2023 • Pastor Ed Taylor • 1 Samuel 17:31–58, Psalm 73, 2 Samuel 21:18, 2 Corinthians 10:4–6, Exodus 34:5–7

The battle belongs to the Lord. It's important that we grasp that even as we're entering in with this freshness and this newness, the battles we're facing, the situations that we're in, the difficulties that we have, the people that might be against us, whatever it is, the battle belongs to the Lord. And it's important that we recognize that our perspective matters, how we see things, how we process things, what we choose to meditate on what we choose to think about what we choose to take in and to receive, it matters. And it especially matters when we're facing difficulties, or trials, or as we see in the text today, the Giants in life.  In First Samuel 17, we see the timeless story of David and Goliath. Goliath is a giant sent by the Philistines to destroy Israel, yet despite his size and strength, it is David that prevails in faith and courage. This battle teaches us that no matter how formidable our enemies may be, the victory belongs to the Lord. In this text we learn about faith and hope in the face of trials, as well as a reminder to trust in God even when we are overwhelmed by circumstances beyond our control. It has been 40 days of mocking from the enemy with no one stepping up to challenge them - but then comes David who reminds us that we can find strength through God's power if only we will accept it. David, a young shepherd boy, had a testimony of his faith in God and his experience of God's saving power. As a young man entrusted with taking care of his father's flock, he encountered lions and bears who threatened the sheep. He courageously defended them and killed both lions and bears in the process. This faithfulness to God and power inspired him to face an even larger enemy - Goliath the Philistine. David knew that the Lord who had delivered him from the paw of the lion and bear was able to do it again. With newfound courage based on his youthfulness, purity of faith and experience, David stood firm against Goliath as he reminded himself that the battle belonged to God. Trust in God and don't play the victim. Life has its struggles and difficulties, but if we have faith in the Lord, the victory will be ours. There is no shame in wanting to do what's right even if we stumble along the way - God loves us and there is no list of "naughty or nice". Jesus Christ came to die for all of us regardless of our behaviour. Turn your life back towards Him and face any giant you encounter head on, trusting that whatever happens, God leads us in victory through His Son Jesus Christ. Get your eyes off the giant. No matter how daunting a challenge may seem, Jesus Christ is our hero and He alone is faithful. Remember that God is for you and not against you, and His power, strength and abilities are yours by faith. With Him on your side, no giant can stand and no problem can continue. The battle belongs to the Lord! Don't forget that in every foe there is a victory, so go out today in the Name of God, knowing that the right outcome will prevail. Study #20230101