Heading into 2023 Intentionally

Ephesians 3:20-21 | Study #20230108

January 8, 2023 • Pastor Ed Taylor • Ephesians 3:20–21, Luke 8:41–56, 2 Timothy 3:15, John 12:21, Luke 4:18–19

As we turn the corner into a new year, it’s essential that we are intentional with our choices. John 12 and Ephesians 3 of the Bible poses several questions that should guide us in making wise decisions as we enter this new period. Before we take further steps, let us pause to reflect on how each choice will impact our lives and outcomes in the coming year.


We all have a past, but the past is behind us and we must move forward. We may have to face certain consequences or difficulties, but Jesus is with us and 2023 can be a new turning point. We should make good choices that align with God's will for our lives and His church.  Making wise choices on purpose can lead us to where God wants us to be and help ensure that the Church of God remains eternal - no matter where it is placed strategically in our communities.


God called a family from Southern California to go to a new city, Aurora, to start a church and minister to the people there. On December 26th 1999, they began Sunday morning services in a rented cafeteria at Columbia Middle School and approximately 50 people showed up. As time went on God used this church to grow men and women in Him and teach them His love through His Bible. Even though attendance fluctuated, God remained faithful and continued to minister through the church demonstrating His love for all.


God planted this church in the city 23 years ago, and since then it has been faithfully serving the local community. It is part of a spoke and hub system, where one church plants other churches around the area. This particular moment in time is equally important for everyone, whether they have been attending for 23 years or just joined today. God called people to this city as he loves it and desires to reach out to its residents, friends and families. The building serves as an edifying place to be strengthened and to meet others who are part of the family of God - those whom we need and those who need us. It serves as a reminder of what has been experienced over the past 23 years that was never dreamed of before; when all that was desired was gather a group together to be used by God and teach the Bible.


It reminded me of a scripture because as God is inviting you into what he is doing, because that's really the essence we want to, we want to see what God is doing. We want to observe what God is doing. And then we want to run to it. We don't want to create it, or try to make something happen.


God wants us to dream big and to ask Him how He wants to use our talents. No matter what we ask, God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we can think or imagine according to the power at work within us. We need to continue asking, seeking and knocking so that His glory may be seen in the Church of Jesus Christ now and through all generations. While burdens and obstacles might seem overwhelming, it is important to remember that if we never stop asking, believing and praying.  and dreaming then God will provide a way forward.


God is calling us to something so much higher than religion. He wants us to live a life that is surrendered to Him, rather than focused on our own preferences and desires. He wants us to worship and read His Word, not just spend time in the building or perform a few hours of service. Our relationship with God should be at the core of our lives—it’s at the foot of the cross where we find real life. If we don't make fundamental changes in this relationship now, things can only get worse.


Calvary Church in Aurora exists to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We have been planted by God for this purpose and it's our responsibility to make ourselves available for evangelism, regardless of our personality type. We can bring glory to God by sharing our testimonies, even through painful stories, as these will encourage and draw people's attention to His power in our lives.


Our church is focused on evangelism with a three-fold responsibility: to Win, Disciple, and Send. We understand that not everything can or should be done; rather, we are called to do something led by the Holy Spirit. Our commitment is to teach the Bible verse-by-verse because we know it will change people's lives.


Christians are saved to share the good news of Jesus Christ and make disciples by teaching them how to follow Him. We have a responsibility to send people out to spread God's Word and help others in our own lives. In Mark 16:15, Jesus says to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel," while in Matthew 28:19 He instructs us to "go therefore and make disciples". Finally, in Acts 1:8 He tells us we will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us and we must be His witnesses from Jerusalem to Judea, Samaria, and even unto the ends of the earth.


Believers are called to spread the good news of Jesus Christ beyond the boundaries of their own community. To do this, it is important to keep things simple, stay above reproach and focus on investing in God's kingdom despite seeming impossibilities. Doing so will ensure that believers use their lives to glorify Him and not waste them away in religious practices and empty faith.


God invites us to an incredible invitation of a relationship with Him. He desires that we experience His love and healing, no matter the pain and hurt in our lives. No matter where we live, it is our responsibility as followers of Jesus to spread His love and truth through his Gospel, not just in our local area, but to those all around us.


The Bible tells us that God is the one who comforts us in our troubles, and that even things like grace are impossible without Him. We ask Him to work another impossibility in our lives, until He returns. We want to be a church that provides healing, nourishment and spiritual gifts. We also strive to be a place of launching off for people, so they can be used by God in big ways. The example we must follow is Jesus--one of humility, sacrifice and servanthood.


Jesus invites us to live for Him and surrender to His exclusive devotion. We should strive not to waste our lives, but to be vessels in which God can pour himself into and continue blessing our communities. Let us pray for God's mercy and step up to be used by Him, so that we can bring the same love and grace Jesus brings.

Study #20230108

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