Wednesday nights are not just for kids! There are short-term topical groups available for adults. Adult Equipping Classes 6PM
Dinner: Begins at 4:45PM
Menu: Turkey Pot Roast, Dressing, Green Beans, Roll, Sweet Potato Pie
Adults and Kids: $5 Max per family: $25
Childcare: 8 weeks through 1 year old: Preschool Building 6:00PM
Preschool and Children:
AWANA: 2 years old through 3rd grade: Preschool and Children Buildings 6:00PM
Quest: 4th grade through 5th grade: Children's Theater 6:00PM
Students: Student Worship Center. 6th-12th graders 6:00PM
College: TBCU at 8PM on Wednesday nights in the Student Worship Center. Come early for a pre-worship hangout time in the Grand Foyer!
Worship Ministry Activities: Orchestra is from 6:00-7:00PM Choir is from 7:00-8:00PM