Using IT To Fight Your Battles

March 5, 2023 • Pastor George Botha

On March 5th, Pastor George Botha shows us through the story of Moses and Ephesians that God uses our trials to build endurance. When we use that space to focus on Him we will witness His power come alongside us and see the ways that He is turning what was meant for evil for our good!

Feeling What God Feels About You

February 26, 2023 • Pastor Scott Baugh

In week three of promises of God, Pastor Scott Baugh shows us that we rarely let ourselves feel what God feels about us. When we know how he feels and how he sees us, and internalize it, it becomes easier to choose Him and to turn from ourselves.

I Promise You Can Overcome

February 19, 2023 • Pastor Scott Baugh

On February 19th, Pastor Scott Baugh show us that through God's gift of the Holy Spirit to us, we can overcome strongholds and experience breakthrough.

Not If But When

February 12, 2023 • Pastor Scott Baugh

On February 12th, Pastor Scott Baugh shows us why God's promises are different than our own. His promises are never an if they will, but a when they will!