Trials to Triumph

Trials to Triumph (Week Three)

March 3, 2024 • Pastor Scott Baugh

Pastor Scott explores the journey from Trials to Triumph. He breaks down three seasons we walk through during trials. By stepping into God’s comfort we step into the future he has planned for us. Let go of the past and embrace the triumph that awaits.

Trials to Triumph (Week Two)

February 25, 2024 • Pastor Scott Baugh

In the second week of the "Trials to Triumph" series, Pastor Scott challenges us to choose the lens through which we see our trials and delves into the profound truth that while we may not always have control over the trials we face, we do have control over the lens through which we view them. Are we looking at our trials through a lens of facts, or are we looking at our trials through a lens of faith? The lens we look through becomes the life we live. Be encouraged to face life's trials with faith, hope, and resilience. Subscribe now and join the conversation!

Trials to Triumph (Week One)

February 18, 2024 • Pastor Scott Baugh

In today’s message, Pastor Scott challenges us to shift our mindset in how we face trials. We will all face trials over the course of our life, but how we respond to them determines the outcome. Trials teach us humility, faith, and obedience, forging our character and strengthening our resolve. Don’t miss this message on finding meaning and growth in life’s toughest moments.