Clarify Your Identity

[A King & A Kingdom]

March 20, 2024 • Allen Jackson

It's time to identify ourselves by our faith in Jesus and wholeheartedly follow our King. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the importance of our allegiance to the King we serve and our role in His Kingdom. While God is a God of love and peace, He is also a God of judgment; He is faithful to discipline His children when they go astray. Jesus prophesied God’s judgment on Jerusalem for rejecting Him, and those prophecies came to pass. When nations rebel against God, reject Him, and fall into immorality, God is faithful to address it, and we see this happening in our nation today. As Christ-followers, will we declare God’s truth, even when it makes us unpopular, or will we avoid being a voice for biblical principles so we can keep our jobs, social status, and sense of security? Let’s engage in what God has called us to do so we can extend His Kingdom and avoid His increasing judgment.