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In His Presence, Week Two: Crown the King | Adam Derus

June 18, 2024 • Adam Derus

There is only one King and it’s King Jesus. Psalm 2 reminds us of the foolishness of crowning ourselves king, the expected posture of honor and reverence to King Jesus, and the expectation that all people submit their lives to the true King of Kings.

In His Presence, Week 1: Wisdom | Christian Lefko

June 11, 2024 • Christian Lefko • Psalm 1

The very first Psalm confronts us with the fact that every human being is on one of two paths: the path of the righteous resulting in life, or the path of the unrighteous resulting in destruction. The path of the righteous is marked by wise living, and so we see what a wise person is to avoid, what a wise person is to do, and what a wise person is.  Scripture: Psalms 1

Simple Gospel, Week Twenty: How to Share the Gospel | Adam Derus

June 4, 2024 • Adam Derus

Paul expects every believer to trust the gospel of Jesus Christ, live the gospel, and share the gospel. Together we demystify evangelism by explaining the basics of the gospel presentation so that every believer can be confident to explain the saving truth of Jesus. A Q&A session with Adam and Joel is at the end of this episode.

Simple Gospel, Week Eighteen: The Anatomy of True Religion | Joel Martin

May 21, 2024 • Joel Martin

Perhaps the most terrifying words one could hear are "Depart from me I never knew you." We may profess to follow Jesus, but how do we know if our faith is genuine? Paul lays out the marks of true religion in his closing words to the Galatian church. Be reminded what true faith looks like!

Simple Gospel, Week Seventeen: Risk Loving Others for the Glory of God | Adam Derus

May 14, 2024 • Adam Derus

Paul expects that our freedom in Christ leads to loving God and loving others. But loving others is a risk and requires us to jump into the mess of life. Risky love restores sinners, bears burdens, and shares sacrificially. Are you willing to risk loving others for the glory of God?

Simple Gospel, Week Sixteen: The Fruits of the Spirit | Adam Derus

May 7, 2024 • Adam Derus

Christians ought to be different from the world because only true Christians can bear fruit from God. As we obey the command to walk in the Spirit, let's examine the fruits of the Spirit that should be increasing in our lives.

Simple Gospel, Week Fifteen: Keep on Walking in the Spirit | Adam Derus

April 30, 2024 • Adam Derus

 Paul gives one of the most important commands in the entire Christian life: Walk in the Spirit. To understand better why and how we do that, we unpack five key words to help us live by the Spirit – Motivation, Source, Battle, Contrast, and Consistency.

Simple Gospel, Week Fourteen: Open Your Eyes | Dr. George Murray

April 23, 2024 • George Murray

Come and learn from Jesus' disciples who struggled (as we do) to remember six key things that should be at the forefront of our lives: Value, Mission, Vision, Time, Place, and Salvation. 

Simple Gospel, Week Thirteen: True Freedom | Joel Martin

April 16, 2024 • Joel Martin

As Americans we think we are freedom experts, but we have much to learn. True and biblical freedom is freedom from self-saving and is not about freedom to follow our desires. Come learn about true freedom and the freedom to love others. 

Simple Gospel, Week Twelve: A Spiritual Ancestry Test | Christian Lefko

April 9, 2024 • Christian Lefko

Paul uses the story of Sarah and Hagar to illustrate two different ways of approaching religion: human effort vs. divine grace. His Jewish opponents were confident that they were in the correct lineage of Abraham. But Paul demonstrates that they are actually in the line of Hagar, and thus the line of slavery. He challenges the Galatians, and us, who are in the line of Isaac, not to turn back to the slavery of the law. For, in Christ, they are children of the promise and therefore free.

Simpel Gospel, Week Eleven: You are Family...Why Reject Then? | Joel Martin

April 2, 2024 • Joel Martin

God has adopted us into his family. Why would we want to go back to slavery and reject our Father and our family in Christ? Explore Galatians 4 to learn the secret of resting in God rather than fighting for control. 

Simple Gospel, Week Ten: The Assurance of Adoption | Adam Derus

March 26, 2024

Many Christians lack assurance of salvation, not because they doubt the power of God, but because they doubt whether that power has saved them. Come and see how the Son came to make many sons, and how the power of adoption provides a basis for biblical assurance.

Simple Gospel, Week Nine: What is the Gospel? | Joel Martin

March 19, 2024 • Joel Martin

We say things like the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. The gospel is central. But have we stopped to consider? What is the gospel precisely? Is it the resurrection? Substitutionary atonement? Baptism? What is included? What isn’t necessary? Come find out!

Simple Gospel, Week Eight: Embrace Oneness | Joshua Brussel

March 12, 2024

In a world filled with broken relationships, believers are called to embrace oneness by recognizing our need, receiving the gifts of salvation, and walking in the unity created by Christ.

Simple Gospel, Week Seven: The Inferiority of the Law | Adam Derus

March 5, 2024 • Adam Derus

What role does the law play in salvation? How does the law compare to faith? Join us as Paul reveals the limits of the law and brings us to an emphatic conclusion: that faith and promise are superior to the law in every single way.