Ecclesiastes, Finding Life: Ecclesiastes 12 / Brad Mullen

Ecclesiastes 12

August 8, 2021 • Brad Mullen • Ecclesiastes 12

Tody we hear the 6th and last sermon on the one "Book" of the Bile that is itself a sermon. In it The Preacher tackles the most fundamental question of life - What is the meaning of life? If you've been following along in this series, you might be experiencing "sermon déjà vu." The question persists. The facts don't change. The conclusion is inescapable! But we need them all repeated and reinforced, just as The Preacher has done, because we are chronically slow learners. Today, we come to "the end of the matter" (12:13), that marks the beginning of a meaningful life!

Teach Us To Pray . . . When Life Hurts

June 23, 2024 • Beau Eckert • Psalm 77

Jesus was a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. As His followers, we share in His sufferings. He promised that in this world, we will have trouble – hurt and pain leading to grief. Lament is the language for our grief. If we are asking God to teach us to pray, it must include asking Him to teach us to lament.

Teach Us To Alignment with God

June 16, 2024 • Adam Derus

Prayer is an integral and essential component of the Christian life. But sometimes it can feel as if our prayer lives are lacking, in need of growth. Today, we examine how to strengthen our prayer lives by aligning ourselves to God and avoiding hindrances to our communion with God.

Teach Us To Pray . . . Your Will Be Done

June 9, 2024 • Beau Eckert • Matthew 6:5–13

Most people pray . . . or at least they feel they should. But what is prayer, and why do we feel we should pray? Today, we begin this seven week series by looking at how Jesus taught His disciples, and us, to pray.