Reflections from the Shore

August 9, 2022 • Adam Derus • Psalm 34

After emerging from the waves of suffering and being placed on the high ground, David reflects back and sees our God as the Great Deliverer who is near to His children, for the righteous, and against the wicked--driving him to praise, obedience, and confidence.

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The Intimacy of our God

August 30, 2022 • Adam Derus • Psalm 139

Even as we marvel at the incredible attributes of our transcendent God, this text reminds us that the character of our Creator affords us every opportunity for intimacy.

Proof that Jesus is God

August 23, 2022 • Joel Martin

Have you ever doubted that Jesus is God?  There are many proofs to consider, but tonight we are going to look at Psalms that prophesied his coming thousands of years before Jesus came.  Build your faith.  Repent and believe.

Darkness is My Only Companion

August 2, 2022 • Adam Derus • Psalm 88

Too often the church fails to provide space to lament, leading many of us to pretend that life is good and faith is easy. This sermon is for the person in the darkness who is navigating the dark night of suffering, the dark night of the soul, and the dark night of our faith---and serves as a reminder that faith can look different in different seasons.