Elijah: Exhaustion to Rest

June 27, 2023 • John Tornfelt • 1 Kings 18—19

Our world is full of hustle and bustle, leaving most of us with busy lives and exhausted souls. Together we see ourselves in Elijah who found himself with an exhausted soul, and a need to find rest for his soul. 

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Who Needs Your Faith?

November 28, 2023 • Josh Beers • Mark 2

In the common story of the healing of the paralytic, we see the transformational reality that this powerful encounter with Jesus happens because of the faith of the friends. How can the strength of your public and intentional faith change someone else's life?

Glorify the Son

October 10, 2023 • Welton Bonner • John 17:1–5

 Jesus boldly and audaciously asks his Father to glorify Himself in the High Priestly prayer. Join us to see why the Son deserves such glory and to be challenged to not settle for lesser glories in this life, but to live our lives to the glory of God the Son.

Ezekiel: The Healing of Shame

August 15, 2023 • Mark Fodale

God is passionately in love with us, but we have played the part of an adulterer and broken his heart, yet he loves us faithfully. Come and hear about God’s wonderful love for you.