Easter Sunday | At The Cross

April 17, 2022 • Beau Eckert • 1 Corinthians 15:3–5, 1 Corinthians 15:14–19

After Peter denied Jesus around a charcoal fire, he wept bitterly because of his sin, shame and guilt. As a result, there is no record of him at the cross with the others when Jesus died. Was this the end of Peter's story? Would his sin define him the rest of his life? Do our hurts, pains and failures define us? Let's look together at how the resurrection of Jesus can change everyone's story.

More from At The Cross

At The Cross

April 24, 2022 • Beau Eckert • Galatians 5:16–25

We focus primarily on the cross and resurrection on Good Friday and Easter. But the reality of both should impact our lives the rest of the year as well. Today, as we finish our sermon series At the Cross, we will understand more of how we live in light of the cross and resurrection each and every day.

The Power Of The Cross

April 10, 2022 • Beau Eckert • 1 Corinthians 1:17–18, Luke 23:39–43

Last week, we examined the exchange that took place at the cross. Today, we will see how the power of the cross overcomes the power of sin in the lives of those who were at the cross. We will then understand how this can be a reality for every one of us as well.

The Exchange at the Cross

April 3, 2022 • Beau Eckert • Colossians 2:13–14, Mark 15:6–15

When you see an image of a cross, what thoughts come to mind? As we begin this new series today, we will understand the exchange that took place on the cross and what it means for us all.