
July 8, 2018 • Scott Messner

God designed men and woman to mutually reflect His image. Men and woman are by design different--making relating well, complicated. Yet, in Christ our differences are for the good of our families, our churches, and our world. It’s complicated yet different is needed and purity is required.

Race & Ethnicity

August 5, 2018 • Scott Messner

The book of Ephesians tells us that for those of us in Christ the dividing wall of hostility between races has been broken down. Yet, today in our country, in our state, even in our county the walls of hostility between the races persist. How should our identity in Christ and the eternal truth that in Christ we are one—cause us to engage in this complex issue? Does it have to be complicated?


July 29, 2018 • Brad Mullen

There’s no end to political opinions, as well as to opinions about politics. Thomas Jefferson said, “Politics is such a torment I advise everyone I love not to mix with it.” Nancy Pelosi is more positive, “I always saw politics as an expansion as my role as mom.” American historian Henry Adams was far more cynical, “Politics have always been the systematic organization of hatreds.” Politics and politicians are easy to poke fun at. Will Rogers quipped, “The more you observe politics, the more you’ve got to admit that each party is worse than the other.” But politics is too large and consequential not to take seriously and talk about thoughtfully. What is the Christian view of politics? Is there one? Just one? Do the Christian faith and politics mix? When, where and how? We need God’s Word to guide us, because “It’s Complicated!”


July 22, 2018 • Brad Mullen & Scott Messner

“And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me, he'd grown up just like me. My boy was just like me.” So sang Harry Chapin in the 1974 hit folk song, Cat’s in the Cradle. We tend to grow to be like our parents—good or bad—whether we like it or not. How strange! How revealing! Succeeding generations can’t seem to live with each other, or without each other. Complicated? Yes! Hopeless? No! Why? We have Christ and His Church!