
21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Join us to pray!

January 6, 2025
6:00 - 7:00am

From the beginning of City Hills Church, we have made it a priority to seek God first in prayer. We do this collectively as a church in January and August through 21 Days of Prayer. These two months are intentional, as they begin new seasons of the year. Together, we faithfully seek God first, trusting in His power alone to create lasting impact in our lives, our church and our world.

Weekly Services: Monday – Friday at 6am / Saturdays at 9am

Sunday Services: 8:15am / 10:00am / 11:45am

City Hills Church | Papermill Campus

1501 Kirby Rd.

Knoxville, TN 37909


Sunday Services: 10:00am / 11:45am 

City Hills Church | West Campus

205 Bridgewater Rd.

Knoxville, TN 37923