98. How Genesis Proves Postmillennialism

February 29, 2024 • Kendall Lankford • Genesis 1, Genesis 9, Genesis 12, Genesis 26, Genesis 49

In this episode, we dive into the often-misunderstood doctrine of Postmillennialism, offering a fresh perspective on eschatology and its profound impact on Christian life and doctrine. Over the past eight weeks, we've explored various eschatological views and their implications, underscoring the dangers of a failed eschatology. Today, we shift our focus towards Postmillennialism, dissecting its biblical roots and showcasing its significance through the lens of Scripture, particularly the book of Genesis.

Whether you're a long-time follower or new to our series, this episode is pivotal in understanding right eschatology and its call for Christians to be salt and light in a world awaiting full restoration.

#Postmillennialism #Eschatology #BiblicalStudies #ChristianDoctrine #Theology #Genesis #ChristianLife #ChurchHistory #OptimisticEschatology

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