106. Interview With Martin Selbrede (How the Bible PROVES Postmillennialism - Part 2)

April 19, 2024 β€’ Kendall Lankford, Martin Selbrede


In this part of the conversation, Martin Selbrede discusses the biblical case for post-millennialism from the New Testament. He starts by examining John the Baptist's testimony in Matthew 3:11-12, where he speaks about the winnowing hand of the Messiah purging the threshing floor. Selbrede explains that this process of purifying the world is initiated by the Messiah and is happening now. He also highlights passages like Isaiah 42 and John 12 that speak about the victory of justice and the drawing of all men to Christ. Selbrede emphasizes the importance of having faith in the promises of God and actively working towards the expansion of His kingdom. The conversation explores the theme of salvation and the ultimate goal of a saved world. It discusses the idea that salvation is not just about rescuing God's elect, but also about destroying God's enemies. The concept of fire is used as a metaphor for God's wrath and justice, which is being poured out on all unrighteousness. The conversation emphasizes the importance of following God's law and living righteously in order to navigate through a world that is aflame. It also highlights the need for Christians to fulfill the Great Commission by discipling the nations and teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded. The conversation explores the eschatological themes in the New Testament and how they relate to the reversal of the Adamic curse. It emphasizes that Jesus, as the true and better Adam, will make believers fruitful, multiply them, and fill the world with worshippers. The discussion also highlights the importance of understanding and applying the Word of God, as well as the need to actively work towards the fulfillment of the Great Commission. The conversation concludes with a challenge to be a generation known for pushing the gospel forward and trusting in the promises of God.


1. Post-millennialism - A belief in Christianity that Christ will return after a thousand-year reign of God's kingdom on Earth, marked by peace and righteousness.

2. John the Baptist - A biblical figure who prepared the way for Jesus, emphasizing repentance and baptism.

3. Winnowing hand - Symbolically refers to separating good from bad, as a farmer separates grain from chaff.

4. Great Commission - Jesus' command to his followers to spread his teachings to all nations.

5. Discipleship - The process of following Jesus and learning from his life and teachings.

6. Eschatology - The study of the end times and the events associated with it in religious texts.

7. Adamic curse - The consequences of sin introduced into the world through Adam, according to the Bible.

8. Gospel - The teachings of Christ and the message of salvation through him, central to Christian belief.


1. The winnowing hand of the Messiah is purging the world and purifying it from chaff.

2. The process of purifying the world is happening now and is initiated by the Messiah.

3. The New Testament speaks about the victory of justice and the drawing of all men to Christ.

4. Having faith in the promises of God and actively working towards the expansion of His kingdom is important. Salvation involves both rescuing God's elect and destroying God's enemies.

5. God's wrath and justice are symbolized by fire, which is being poured out on all unrighteousness.

6. Living righteously and following God's law allows us to navigate through a world that is aflame.

7. The Great Commission calls Christians to disciple the nations and teach them to obey everything Jesus commanded.

8. Salvation is not the end of the game, but the beginning of a new life of service. Jesus, as the true and better Adam, will reverse the Adamic curse and make believers fruitful, multiply them, and fill the world with worshippers.

9. Understanding and applying the Word of God is essential for fulfilling the Great Commission and experiencing the transformation of the world.

10. Believers should actively work towards the fulfillment of the Great Commission and trust in the promises of God.

11. The current generation has the opportunity to be known for pushing the gospel forward and trusting in the promises of God.

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