97. An INTERVIEW W/ Uri Brito

February 22, 2024 • Kendall Lankford, Uri Brito

In this conversation, Kendall Lankford interviews Uri Brito, a pastor and presiding minister of the CREC (Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches). They discuss the background and purpose of the CREC, the concept of Reformed Catholicity, the importance of confessions and memorials, and the differences between amillennialism and postmillennialism. They also address the sacred-secular divide and the need for a biblical perspective on history.

The conversation challenges pessimistic views and encourages a hopeful vision of the future. In this conversation, Uriesou Brito discusses the importance of understanding the historical context of the Bible and how it applies to our own historical moment. He emphasizes the need to interpret biblical passages in light of the original audience and their specific circumstances. Brito also highlights the slow and steady growth of the kingdom of God throughout history, starting with the seed and leading to the establishment of happy nations and an everlasting kingdom. He addresses the role of suffering in post-millennialism and the need for a theology of martyrdom. Brito encourages believers to be actively involved in their local churches and to align their homes with the teachings of Scripture. He concludes by emphasizing the importance of a new beginning and consistency in the Christian life.


1. The CREC is a communion of churches that align themselves around the catholic reformed dogma of the Reformation and post-reformation era.

2. The CREC allows for a broad range of confessions, providing a diverse and inclusive community.

3. Postmillennialism offers a hopeful vision of the future, seeing the church's influence and impact growing over time.

4. A biblical perspective on history challenges pessimism and encourages a positive view of the church's role in society. Understanding the historical context of the Bible is crucial for interpreting its message accurately.

5. The kingdom of God grows slowly and steadily throughout history, leading to the establishment of a happy and everlasting kingdom.

6. Suffering is a part of post-millennialism, and it plays a role in the advancement of the kingdom.

7. The decline of the church can be seen as a purging of false teachers, leading to the emergence of faithful churches.

8. Active involvement in the local church and aligning the home with biblical principles are essential for living out the post-millennial hope.

9. A new beginning and consistency in the Christian life are necessary for personal and societal transformation.



Introduction and Background


The CREC: Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches


Reformed Catholicity and the Reformation


The Need for a Broad Reformed Group


The Importance of Confessions and Memorials


Amillennialism and Postmillennialism


The Sacred-Secular Divide and Piety


Postmillennialism: A Theological Vision


Biblical Case for Postmillennialism


Responding to Pessimism and Cultural Concerns


Understanding the Historical Context of the Bible


The Slow and Steady Growth of the Kingdom


The Role of Suffering in Post-Millennialism


The Decline of the Church and the Purging of False Teachers


The Importance of the Local Church and the Home


A New Beginning and Consistency in Life

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