109. The War For The Soul of the World | A Practical Postmillennialism Series

May 2, 2024 • Kendall Lankford

In this episode we dive into the spiritual campaign initiated by Jesus Christ, aimed at dismantling the reign of darkness and ushering in His eternal Kingdom that will last forever. Starting with His ministry in Galilee and impacting the entire Roman Empire, we track the spread and influence of Christ's sovereign rule throughout history and its implications for us today.


INTRODUCTION: Here we examine how Jesus, with a small group of disciples, started a movement that has grown to encompass over 2.5 billion believers globally.

PHASE 1: THE ARRIVAL OF THE KINGDOM: Here we explore the prophecies that anticipated Jesus' arrival and how His advent signified the beginning of a new epoch.

PHASE 2: THE BATTLE BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL: Here we look into the intense spiritual clashes between Jesus and demonic entities, highlighting His strategic triumphs over these forces in His incarnation.

PHASE 3: JUDGMENT POURED OUT ON JUDAH: Here we discuss the spiritual and physical ramifications for first-century Judah due to their rejection of Christ, leading to the prophesied destruction of Jerusalem.

PHASE 4: BLESSING AND SPREADING THE KINGDOM: We observe how the resurrected Jesus empowers His Church to propagate His mission, extending divine blessings and authority worldwide.

PHASE 5: CHRISTIANIZING THE WORLD: Consider the transformative effect of the Gospel as it redefines societies, reshaping cultural foundations and worldviews through centuries.

CONCLUSION: Here we contemplate the ongoing spiritual conflict for the world's soul and the Christian’s role within this divine plan.


Genesis: 1:28, 12:1-3, 49:10

Exodus: 31:1-11

Leviticus: 26

Deuteronomy: 28

Isaiah: 9:2, 9:6-7, 60:12

Habakkuk: 2:14

Malachi: 3:1-2

Matthew: 3:2, 11:10, 16:18-19, 18:18, 18:20, 21:8, 21:12-17, 21:18-22, 21:28-32, 21:33-46, 21:43, 21:44, 22:1-14, 23:35-36, 23:37-38, 24:2, 24:6, 24:9, 24:14, 24:15, 24:21, 24:28, 24:29-31, 24:34, 28:18-20

Mark: 1:15, 4:30-32, 10:42-45, 11:10, 16:17-18

Luke: 1:33, 1:78, 10:9, 12:32, 13:19, 13:20-21, 21:20-24, 24:47, 24:49

John: 8:44, 14:12, 14:16-17, 15:5, 15:16, 16:13-14

Acts: 2:44-45, 5:35-37, 11:28, 16:26, 17:6, 24:25

Romans: 1:16, 10:18

1 Corinthians: 4:20, 8:5-6, 15:25, 15:28

2 Corinthians: 5:17

Ephesians: 4:31-32, 5:22-33, 5:25, 6:4

Colossians: 1:23, 2:8

1 Thessalonians: 1:9

2 Thessalonians: 3:10

Philemon: 1:16

James: 1:25, 5:1-6

1 Peter: 3:7

2 Peter: 1:2-4

Revelation: 7:9, 11:15, 21:1, 21:5

QUESTION FOR YOU TO CONSIDER: In what ways do you, or perhaps should you, participate in the expansion of God's Kingdom in your own community and life?

CALL TO ACTION: Encourage someone by sharing this episode with them, inviting them to explore the victorious reign of Jesus Christ.


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