Rival Gods

Long ago a cohort of fallen angels, now demons, launched a diabolically sophisticated assault on God and the human race. Throughout history they have masqueraded as gods in order to divert worship from the one and only true God and arouse the vilest urges of humanity.

The Theology of Idolatry

September 28, 2019 • Ty Gibson

The devil does his best work within the realm of theological systems. Idolatry is the satanic art of attributing to God traits of character that do not belong to him. If I can be made to believe bad things about God, I will either serve Him as a slave or run from Him into unbelief.

The Murder of God

November 30, 2019 • Ty Gibson

“God is dead, and we have killed him,” declared Friedrich Nietzsche, the famed German philosopher. Western civilization has murdered the idea of God. Atheism is on the rise. And yet, we can’t escape our longing for a love that transcends all this world has to offer. People are running from religion and returning to God by the droves.

The Idolatry of Sex

November 23, 2019 • Ty Gibson

Our sexual utopia has gradually become a sexual dystopia. By detaching sex from love, we have reduced it to a mere animal act. As a result, we are witnessing the apocalypse of human sexuality. Objectification has given way to commodification, which is now giving way to depersonalization. But you are more than your sexuality. Much more!

The Idolatry of Selfishness

November 16, 2019 • Vanessa Farfan

Marriage can be a medium through which we can grow and experience God’s love, but only when husband and wife are both submitted to Christ.

The Idolatry of Money

November 9, 2019 • Ty Gibson

Money isn’t good or bad of itself. It’s a neutral medium. But the love of money is the root of all evil. Those who love it, horde it to the disadvantage and hurt of others rather than use it to lift others up. Right now the eight richest men in the world possess more wealth than half the human race, many of who work for them and can’t even afford rent. We are currently witnessing the fulfillment of the prophecy that in the last days “men will be lovers of money” and amass their wealth by refusing to “pay their workers” what they deserve. Hopefully, this sermon will upset http://you...in a good way.

The Idolatry of Power

October 26, 2019 • Ty Gibson

Idolatry of Nation is the most dangerous force in world history and the most serious threat to the mission of the church.

The Idolatry of Poverty

October 19, 2019 • Brandon Schroeder

Many Christians shy away from wealth because they associate it with excess and evil. Society spends wealth as fast as it can. On the whole, the West has had an obsession with poverty. Not only does God not condemn wealth, He wants us to have wealth to expand His kingdom. But how do we avoid the pitfalls of false piety and materialism?

The Unholy Trinity

October 12, 2019 • Ty Gibson

There are three primary means by which human beings are dehumanized: power, money and sex. These are the three great idols of our world. In the kingdom of God, power, money and sex are subordinate to love.

The Idolatry of Pleasure

October 5, 2019 • Edgar Quispe

God created us to experience pleasure. What happens when we put the gifts of God in the place of God in our lives.

The Idolatry of the Best

September 21, 2019 • James Ramirez

It’s easy to get caught up in the idolatry of becoming the "best" and being focused on building your own legacy. If we are not careful, we will become the center of our own universe.

The Psychology of Idolatry

September 14, 2019 • Ty Gibson

If I worship the idols of our celebrity culture, I am worshiping myself vicariously through the image they project.

The Originals

September 7, 2019 • Ty Gibson

In the dark fiction of vampire legend, there are those who are known as “The Originals.” These are those who first transitioned from humans to vampires. Yeah, it's fiction. But every fiction contains elements of truth.