Posttraumatic Growth

April 30, 2022 • Jennifer Jill Schwirzer

Everyone’s talking about trauma these days. The increased understanding of its impact upon human functioning has been largely helpful, with one caveat–it can sometimes leave us feeling permanently damaged. This is why in this message we will turn to a body of biblical and scientific data showing the benefits that can come through trauma. Bitter or better? The choice is ours.

The Mighty Power of Awed

May 14, 2022 • Jennifer Jill Schwirzer

God tells us to stand in awe of Him. And this is right, for He is God, the illimitable, unfathomable Creator and Sustainer of all that is. Worshiping Him, we take a shape for which He ingeniously designed us, availing ourselves of the global health benefits of syncing with that design. This message will shine a light on the awesomeness of awe.

The Power of Belonging

May 7, 2022 • Jennifer Jill Schwirzer

Loneliness is pandemic. Even when surrounded by people we can fail to connect in meaningful ways. This message shows not only the blessings wrapped up in human connection, but the choices that lead to it.

Growth Mindset

April 23, 2022 • Jennifer Jill Schwirzer

God really does want us to be happy. But there’s a rub. If He prioritized our temporal happiness over all else, He could never address the big-picture exigencies of the cosmic conflict. This message will help us reset our priorities to align with God’s purposes and promises.