Paradigm Shift

July 23, 2022 • Angelo Grasso

What is discipleship? It is a term that is used often to describe the Christian life, but do we truly understand what Jesus had in mind when He called His disciples, and by extension us, to this Journey? Or do we need a paradigm shift?

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You. Follow.

August 27, 2022 • Angelo Grasso

Peter thought he was done. He had failed the greatest test of discipleship. Jesus invites him on a walk by the beach, and back to himself.

Wounded Healers

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The call to discipleship is a call to community. In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus calls us to see ourselves as a community of wounded healers.

Born. Again.

August 13, 2022 • Angelo Grasso

Jesus said to Nicodemus that to see The Kingdom, he must be born again. What did Jesus mean, and how do we experience this new birth as modern day disciples?