
September 10, 2022 • Ty Gibson, Nathan McKee

Our culture is obsessed with “love.” But often what the world calls “love” is little more than temporary attraction. What does the New Testament mean when it says, “God is love”? The answer lies in the Greek word agape.

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October 8, 2022 • Ty Gibson, Nathan McKee

Imagine a jar positioned directly under a waterfall. What happens? The jar is continually filling and overflowing at the same time. This is the rich image communicated in the Greek word perisseuo. Jesus is the waterfall and you are the jar.


October 1, 2022 • Ty Gibson, Nathan McKee

Are you alive? “Of course I am, or else I wouldn’t be reading this.” OK, yes, you are biologically alive. But are you alive on all levels of your being—emotionally, spiritually, morally, relationally? It’s not merely biological life Jesus offers, it’s zoe life, which is so much more.


September 24, 2022 • Ty Gibson, Nathan McKee

The Greek word pistis, from which we get the English word faith, means far more than simply believing something to be factually true. It means . . . well, you’ll just have to tune in for this message to explore with us what it means.