Jacob: The Faking, Breaking, and Making of a Man

A practical and biblical look at the life of Jacob.


Here is some unbelievably good news: Love is triumphant! Jesus has defeated the enemy. The victory is not ours to achieve but ours to enjoy and proclaim. Join Ty Gibson, David Asscherick and Jeffrey Rosario for a series that's nearly UNbelievable.


In this series we will discover and define seven key words of the New Testament. These words are rich with meaning. They open doorways of understanding into God’s beautiful character and the life-transforming truths of the gospel. Word by word, you will be ushered into a deeper walk with Jesus.


To be a disciple is to have first-hand knowledge of the disciple maker. God doesn’t merely want us to know of or about Him. He wants us to know him for ourselves. Jesus came to make God known; to invite us into a completely new way of experiencing the world, others and ourselves. Will you follow?

Eden to Eden

God is on a passionate quest to be with us. In Eden, we enjoyed His fellowshipping presence. Sin caused a tragic separation between God and His children. Scripture is the story of God coming near, of His presence being restored to earth, of our journey back to Eden.

Closer Than Angels

By becoming human, Jesus incorporated humanity into Himself, so that everything true of Him is true of us. In this three-part series we explore our inheritance in Christ, our enthronement in Christ, and our matrimonial union with divinity in Christ. You are invited into a closer relationship with Go

The Joy Sessions

We live in a very troubled world, and we possess very sensitive hearts. These two facts often collide into a life of internal distress. But this need not be! God has created us with a large capacity for a wide spectrum of positive emotions. From a place of life experience and research, author and ps

Kingdom Manifesto

The greatest sermon ever preached

Think Different

Back in 1992, IBM launch a smart advertising campaign with the single word “Think.” IBM wanted to be thought of as the Thinking person’s company. But then, in 1997, Apple Corporation launched an ad with two words: “Think Different.” And the rest is history. In this series of messages, we will Think

Grasping Galatians

In this eight-part series of conversations, Grasping Galatians, David Asscherick and Ty Gibson explore the key ideas that made the letter so powerful way back then and equally powerful today.

Is God a Control Freak?

Is God a Genocidal Murderer?

Is God a Sadistic Monster?

Is God an Arbitrary Tyrant?

Is God On a Power Trip?