Wk 6: Envy

April 13, 2014 • Pastor Joby Martin • John 12:12–19, John 18:33–40, John 19:13–15

Envy is a sin against God in that we desire something other than what our Father knows is best for us.

Wk 1: Wrath

March 9, 2014 • Pastor Joby Martin • Ephesians 4:31–32, Matthew 18:15–32

Anger is rooted in un-forgiveness. Free yourself by canceling the debt.

Wk 2: Greed

March 16, 2014 • Pastor Joby Martin • Philippians 4:12–13, 1 Timothy 6:6–19

The cure for greed is not less stuff. It is more Jesus. Philippians 4:12-13 (NIV)

Wk 3: Sloth

March 23, 2014 • Pastor Joby Martin • Matthew 25:14–30

Do not busy yourself with the comfortable in order to avoid stepping into the faithful.