Wk 4: So Close

December 22, 2013 • Pastor Joby Martin • Isaiah 9:6, Acts 24:22–27

Do you have the faith of Felix?

Wk 1: Love Requires Action

December 1, 2013 • Pastor Ryan Stone • John 1:14, Acts 23:12–22

Love, by it’s nature, requires action. Incarnation John 1:14

Wk 2: Providence

December 8, 2013 • Pastor Joby Martin • John 16:33, Acts 23:23–35, Proverbs 22:3, Genesis 3:17–19, John 15:1–2

When you can't understand the purpose of the situation trust God’s providence.

Wk 3: The Way

December 15, 2013 • Pastor Joby Martin • Luke 2:10–11, Acts 24:1–21

Jesus came not just to be celebrated as a baby in a manger, but to be The Savior through His life, death and resurrection.