Wk 2: Salt and Light

April 26, 2020 • Pastor Joby Martin • Matthew 5:13–20

We are not saved by our good works. We are saved by Christ’s finished work. However, we are saved FOR good works.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God
prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. – Ephesians 2:8-10

For more information and resources on this series, visit coe22.com/bestsermonever.

For Disciple Group Curriculum please visit coe22.com/disciplegroups

Wk 1: Blessed

April 19, 2020 • Pastor Joby Martin • Matthew 5:1–12

Jesus did not come to make bad people better or sad people happy. He came to give life to the dead and salvation for sinners. For more information and resources on this series, visit http://coe22.com/bestsermonever. For Disciple Group Curriculum please visit http://coe22.com/disciplegroups

Wk 3: Anger

May 3, 2020 • Pastor Joby Martin • Matthew 5:21–26

A Holy God reconciled sinners unto Himself through the blood of His Son. The reconciled are SENT as ambassadors for Christ, offering that same reconciliation. Forgiven people forgive people. What are you waiting for? For more information and resources on this series, visit http://coe22.com/bestsermonever. For Disciple Group Curriculum please visit http://coe22.com/disciplegroups

Wk 4: Lust, Divorce and Oaths

May 10, 2020 • Pastor Joby Martin • Matthew 5:27–37

Marriage is a supernatural covenant (not a contract) between one man and one woman ‘til death do you part, ordained by God Himself. For more information and resources on this series, visit http://coe22.com/bestsermonever. For Disciple Group Curriculum please visit http://coe22.com/disciplegroups