Wk 2: Grace

July 13, 2014 • Pastor Joby Martin • Ephesians 1:15—2:9

We are not mistakers in need of a life coach. We are sinners in need of a Savior.

Wk 1: Chosen

July 6, 2014 • Pastor Joby Martin • Ephesians 1:1–14

Because it is God that Saves: - You are chosen. - You are forgiven. - You are free of performance. - You are adopted. - Your inheritance is guaranteed.

Wk 3: Peace

July 20, 2014 • Pastor Ryan Stone • Ephesians 2:10–22

The cross is the only answer for the religious and the rebel. The cross is always the answer for the righteous.

Wk 4: Unity (Thursday)

July 24, 2014 • Pastor Ryan Stone • Ephesians 3:1—4:16

CoE22 is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus. If you are ready to move from a receiver to an owner of that mission and vision, then you are ready to become a Covenant Member of CoE22.