Beholding Jesus

An Invitation to Come & See

New Life

May 30, 2021 • Efrain Cirilo

Pastor Efrain closes out our series by unpacking John 15 where we see Jesus preparing his disciples for his upcoming death, resurrection, and ascension to heaven. His final instructions primarily focus on what it means to be his disciples. What does it look like to follow Jesus? True disciples of Jesus have a permanent, life-giving, fruit producing union with Jesus. Disciples will bear fruit because it’s part of their new nature. Pastor Efrain reminds us that being united with Jesus brings life, and life is revealed by fruit. Learn what type of fruit a disciple produces as they follow Jesus.

A New Commandment

May 23, 2021 • Josh Gosney

Pastor Josh unpacked the 7th installment of our series Beholding Jesus with talking about the new commandment. In Jesus we find both the pattern and the power to live out this new commandment by loving each other.

The God Who Weeps

May 16, 2021 • Wade Bearden

Pastor Wade continued our series Beholding Jesus by looking at the miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Despite not having every answer during times of grief, we can be encouraged, knowing that when we hurt, Jesus hurts. We can trust God during difficult times because he sees and knows our pain.

Jesus Changes Everything

May 9, 2021 • Efrain Cirilo

Pastor Efrain unpacks John chapter 9 where Jesus heals the blind man. In this miracle we see that Jesus was teaching a powerful truth about spiritual blindness. The opening of the man’s eyes is really about the opening of his heart. Learn how we can trust Jesus even in our most darkest times.

Jesus Will Cost You Everything

May 2, 2021 • Kai Ordonio

Pastor Kai teaches us what Jesus was really offering in the feeding of the 5000 found in John 6, which was eternal life. We see that Jesus calls us to believe in Him, but that belief will cost us everything.

Jesus Over Religion

April 25, 2021 • Josh Gosney

Pastor Josh unpacks Jesus meeting the man by the pool of Bethesda. Jesus confronts the religious leaders of the time by preforming the miracle on the Sabbath. We see how Jesus came to confront our excuses, efforts, and experience. Learn how Jesus didn’t come for religion but relationship.

Jesus Is King

April 18, 2021

As we step into week 2 of our current series Beholding Jesus, we hear a message from Pastor Dequalin Jackson about having faith in Gods Word. The first sign performed in the book of John reveals to us that we can trust in Gods works. The second sign, in which we discuss this week, reveals to us that we can trust in Gods word. As we continue to journey through the book of John, Gods character continues to be revealed.

Jesus Is Better

April 11, 2021 • Efrain Cirilo

To kick off our new series, Pastor Efrain unpacks Jesus’ first miracle of turning water into wine. The world will promise good upfront but leave you feeling bitter on the back. Learn how running to Jesus when we are low is the better solution!