Wake Up

Part One

October 17, 2021 • Josh Gosney • Acts 4:32–37

To kick off our series Wake The City, Pastor Josh showed us how the early church had a unique perspective, one where they understood the good news of Jesus changed everything. Those who believed in the Gospel were united in heart and mind and began to give above and beyond towards the Kingdom. Knowing all this, we were left to answer the question are we navel gazing or gospel gazing?

More from Wake The City

The Way Through

September 18, 2022 • Josh Gosney • Joshua 3:1–6, Joshua 3:9–13, Joshua 4:1–7

This week Pastor Josh dives into Joshua chapters three and four. We are taking a close look at the posture of the people of Israel as they cross into the promise land.

Faith Failures

September 11, 2022 • Josh Gosney • Numbers 14:11–19

Pastor Josh continues in our Wake the City series by diving into Numbers 14:11-19. We are examining the lack of faith the Israelites had in the desert. We can learn from their mistakes and move through difficult seasons of our lives.

Faith For The Wilderness

September 4, 2022 • Josh Gosney • Joshua 14:6–14

This week Pastor Josh dives into Joshua 14:6-14 and examines the life of Caleb. We often hear about the faith of Joshua, but we tend to forget that Caleb was right beside him. As we look at Caleb’s life we can learn how to have faith that survives the wilderness.