
Newday 2025

July 28 - August 2, 2025

NEWDAY 2025: Mon 28th July - Sat 2nd Aug

It's that time of year, Newday is upon us and it's time to get signed in. Newday is a Christian-organised festival that sees over 8,000 young people gather in Norfolk at the Norfolk Showground for a jam-packed week. It’s always a big highlight of the year and we’d love to have your young person with us.

To secure a place for your child, please complete the form; please complete ONE PER CHILD. By filling out this form you are giving consent for the named young person to attend Newday 2025. Please ensure that the person filling out this form is over 18 and a parent or guardian of the young person.


Please note the Early Bird price break end at the end of January this year, in line with Newday bookings.

If it is your first time coming to Newday or for more info on Newday please visit newdaygeneration.org or email alice.treacher@kingscommunitychurch.co.uk

Prior to the event you will receive an email with more information about Newday, including tent allocation and Kit list.

The Cost

(includes ticket, food, travel and extra equipment - note: not tents or sleeping equipment)

Early Bird - £270 (available until 31st January)

1st Price Break - £285 (available until 24th April)

Final Price Break - £300 (available until 25th June)


3 ways to pay..

1- Pay for the whole ticket in one instalment at an Early Bird price. 

2- Pay in 3 instalments. Pay £90 for the first instalment by 31/01, 2nd instalment of £90 by 30/04 & final instalment of £90 by 30/06. 

3- Cash/Cheque - handed into KCC reception OR given to a youth team member - in a named envelope. Cheques made payable to Kings Community Church. 

If paying by BACS please reference payment "ND+surname". For example: "NDBloggs". Here are the account details needed: 

Name: Kings Community Church

Sort Code: 20-69-34

Account Number: 00801674

If you would like to talk to someone about finances/need support to fund Newday please do not hesitate to contact Alice Treacher, we would love to be able to help if we are able and we wouldn't want money to be the reason why someone can't come to Newday.