Today’s Leadership Vacuum

A Problem with a Biblical Solution - Part 2

June 2, 2024 • Sam Rohrer, Isaac Crockett, Guest: Renton Rathbun

Sam Rohrer and Isaac Crockett are joined by guest Renton Rathbun (Center for Biblical Worldview, Bob Jones University; Professor) to discuss this important topic by going to the heart of the cause and defining the solution.

What would you identify as the greatest problem facing America today? One of the greatest problems facing not just America but the entire world deals with the matter of leadership. It’s not just that we’re suffering under the consequences of no leadership. We are literally being destroyed due to people in positions of authority of leadership who lack maturity and have a moral compass driven by selfish motivation. Whether it’s in political positions from the highest office to the local offices, in academia, within the church or within the home, we have a vacuum of true leadership. 

Join us as we continue to look at the topic “Today’s Leadership Vacuum: A Problem with a Biblical Solution”. We hope you’ll find the program challenging and informative.

Heroic Faith

June 9, 2024 • Sam Rohrer, Isaac Crockett

Hebrews 11 is often referred to as the Bible Hall of Fame. In that chapter God refers to a limited number of people by name like Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, David, and a few others. Then God identifies thousands or perhaps millions of people simply by referring to them as ‘others’ Where scripture records “And others had trials of cruel mockings…were stoned…sawn asunder...imprisoned…wandered in the mountains and lived in caves.”  Scripture says about these all that, ‘they obtained a good report’. They were from God’s perspective, heroes of faith. These were people who when the challenges of life came to them, they chose to serve God rather than man.  In our second of three TV programs we will look at the lives of Shadrach, Meshech, and Abedneggo.  Join us as Sam and Isaac continue to look at the topic, “Heroic Faith”. 

Heroic Faith

June 2, 2024 • Sam Rohrer, Isaac Crockett

Throughout human history civilizations have erected monuments to their heroes or recorded in some written form the exploits of their human champions. To some extent that is normal since every age brings with it challenges and tests for which a human hero is sought if not needed.  In our modern culture the athlete is glorified, the entertainer idolized, and the politician who promises us greatness once again is vainly worshipped.  Yet, in the Bible God divinely records brief histories of men and woman who when challenges came to them stood tall for God and in faith did great exploits. God acknowledges and records these histories for our benefit, encouragement, and edification. These were true heroes.  We will spend the next three TV programs looking into the lives of some stalwarts of faith chosen by the Lord to challenge us today and encourage us in our walk of faith. In this program we will look at Joshua.  Stay tuned as Sam and Isaac consider the important theme, “Heroic Faith”.

Today’s Leadership Vacuum

May 26, 2024 • Sam Rohrer, Isaac Crockett, Guest: Renton Rathbun

Sam Rohrer and Isaac Crockett are joined by guest Renton Rathbun (Center for Biblical Worldview, Bob Jones University; Professor) to discuss this important topic by going to the heart of the cause and defining the solution. What would you identify as the greatest problem facing America today? One of the greatest problems facing not just America but the entire world deals with the matter of leadership. It’s not just that we’re suffering under the consequences of no leadership. We are literally being destroyed due to people in positions of authority of leadership who lack maturity and have a moral compass driven by selfish motivation. Whether it’s in political positions from the highest office to the local offices, in academia, within the church or within the home, we have a vacuum of true leadership.  Join us as we look at the topic “Today’s Leadership Vacuum: A Problem with a Biblical Solution”. We hope you’ll find the program challenging and informative.