
Choosing to Choose: Critical Thinking is NOT Biblical Thinking

Part 1

June 23, 2024 • Sam Rohrer, Isaac Crockett, Guest: Marlene McMillan

Sam Rohrer and Isaac Crockett are joined by guest Marlene McMillan (Author, Speaker) to discuss this important topic by going to the heart of the cause and defining the solution.

Do you ever consider the topic of decision making and the making of choices? How there seems to be a difference between choices made by people who fear God and those who don’t? 

We live in a mass globally digitally driven and tracked world where information is carefully shaped to form our view of reality. 

Throughout the breadth of our technologically driven culture the globalists and elitists goal is to cause people to think prescribed thoughts and come to a predetermined, peer driven group consensus. All the while convinced they’ve independently arrived at their own unique choice. 

Join us as we look at the topic “Choosing to Choose: Critical Thinking is NOT Biblical Thinking”. We hope you’ll find the program challenging and informative.