Stand in the Gap TV

10 Principles to National Renewal: The Need for Involved Citizens to Maintain a Republic - Part I

October 31, 2021 • Sam Rohrer, Isaac Crockett

In the history of human civilization one thing which is certain is that freedom, liberty, and self-government under God is not normal. Rather, tyranny and enslavement is mankind’s default position.

Once established, if a Republic is formed, great care must be given by way of diligence if a Republic is to endure. To maintain a Republic requires responsible citizens who submit themselves to God’s laws. A nation blessed of God only survives if citizens hold a Biblical Worldview. Without an embracing of truth by a knowledgeable and responsible citizenry, no Republic can long survive. It’s this concept that Benjamin Franklin himself (upon the adoption of the U.S. Constitution in 1787) emphasized when he said, “We’ve given you a Republic if you the citizens can keep it”.

Psalm 127:1 says, “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it”. But it also says, “Except the Lord keep the city, the watchmen wake us but in vain”. In other words, unless God’s plan and His commands are followed no nation seeking freedom can ever get off the ground. But this verse also says that except the Lord keep the city (meaning unless the citizens of that city or nation continue to do what God says by keeping His commandments and fearing Him) the citizens efforts will be vain and freedom will be lost and the city will fall.

Stay tuned as Sam and Isaac consider the important theme, “10 Principles to National Renewal: The Need for Involved Citizens to Maintain a Republic.”