Stand in the Gap TV

10 Principles to National Renewal: Building Safeguards into the System - Part 2

November 21, 2021 • Sam Rohrer, Isaac Crockett

All throughout Scripture God identifies the need for safeguards. In all cases those safeguards are for the protection of people, in some cases from themselves. Certainly, it’s for protection from others as individuals. But it’s also for protection from evil people who occupy positions of divine authority. Who by denying God’s requirements subvert God’s purpose for government to enact justice, praise those who follow God’s laws, and punish those who defy God’s moral laws. To maliciously swinging the sword of government as detailed in Romans 13 to advance injustice and the cause of evil.

Stay tuned as Sam and Isaac continue to look at the topic, “10 Principles to National Renewal: Building Safeguards into the System.”