2024 Health Freedom Trends

Vigilance Required – Part 2

February 25, 2024 • Sam Rohrer, Isaac Crockett, Guest: Twila Brase

Sam Rohrer and Isaac Crockett are joined by guest Twila Brase (President and Co-Founder of Citizen’s Council for Health Freedom) to discuss this important topic by going to the heart of the cause and defining the solution.

When it comes to all matters of life and particularly the admonition of Proverbs 22:3 of the wise man looking ahead, seeing danger, and taking corrective action it certainly applies to the area of health and health freedom. 

For some people the idea of preparing for potential danger or being proactive in regard to looming danger is foreign. For many they don’t know how to do it. For others it is uncomfortable. Yet for others some think that if they think and act in regard to potentially advancing danger that they will be accused of being conspiratorialists, negative, or perhaps even guilty of walking by sight and not by faith. 

But the Bible is clear. Wisdom is clear. To be alert, aware, or proactive is not foolish but wise. 

Join us as we continue to look at the topic “2024 Health Freedom Trends: Vigilance Required”. We hope you’ll find the program challenging and informative.

End Days Instructions for In-Tune Believers

May 19, 2024 • Sam Rohrer, Isaac Crockett

In 2 Pet. 3:1-14 Peter identifies the 4th instruction for true end time believers. In verse 11 Peter says, “Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and Godliness”. Then in verse 14 he says, “Wherefore beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that you may be found of him in peace without spot, and blameless.” The 4th instruction is to be Godly and blameless.  Join us as Sam and Isaac continue to look at the topic, “End Days Instructions for In-Tune Believers”.

End Days Instructions for In-Tune Believers

May 12, 2024 • Sam Rohrer, Isaac Crockett

While the world rushes away from God and into lawlessness and immorality. We are true believers should be more intently living out our purpose to be salt and light in this evil world and be Christ’s Ambassadors for His soon coming Kingdom.  Meeting together intentionally and regularly is the first instruction to put into practice. Scripture then instructs us as we see these prophesied days come to pass to look up and lift our heads. Then the third instruction is to be watching and ready.  Join us as Sam and Isaac continue to look at the topic, “End Days Instructions for In-Tune Believers”.

End Days Instructions for In-Tune Believers

May 5, 2024 • Sam Rohrer, Isaac Crockett

Over the next three TV programs Sam and Isaac will identify and explain in as practical terms as possible 4 end days instructions for “In-Tune” believers.  Answering the question, “How Then Should We Live”? The 4 instructions that will be discussed are: Meet Up, Look Up, Be Watching and Ready, and Be Godly and Blameless.  Stay tuned as Sam and Isaac consider the important theme, “End Days Instructions for In-Tune Believers”.