Countdown to the Second Coming Discussion

Are you Ready for Christ's Return?

May 21, 2021 • Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

In this final chapter of Countdown, Dave talks about some fundamental teachings of the Word of God that tell us how we are to go about living the Christian life. He cites verses in Colossians chapter 3 that give believers in Jesus instructions, what we ought to be and what we are to do to please Him, and what believers are to put off that displease Him and bring about destruction in their lives.  In addition, Dave and I discuss what a believer’s motivation and objective is to be during our temporal life, such as setting our affection on the things which are above, not on things of this earth. That affection has to be first and foremost our increasing love for Jesus, who must be the complete objective of a Christian’s life. Dave also points out what separates biblical Christianity from the other religions of the world.

When Will Our Hope Be Realized?

May 14, 2021 • Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

In this final chapter of Countdown, Dave talks about some fundamental teachings of the Word of God that tell us how we are to go about living the Christian life. He cites verses in Colossians chapter 3 that give believers in Jesus instructions, what we ought to be and what we are to do to please Him, and what believers are to put off that displease Him and bring about destruction in their lives.  In addition, Dave and I discuss what a believer’s motivation and objective is to be during our temporal life, such as setting our affection on the things which are above, not on things of this earth. That affection has to be first and foremost our increasing love for Jesus, who must be the complete objective of a Christian’s life.

Does Hope Need a Reason?

May 7, 2021 • Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

In this session Dave and I address the subject of hope, which the lost of this world do not have—certainly not hope in God. Instead, they have a substitute of hope in various forms such as a positive mental attitude and wishful thinking. They are centered upon feelings and have no basis in reason. Biblical hope, on the other hand, is rooted in reason. Throughout the Scriptures, God gives us reasons to place our hope in Him. They are foundational to knowing and putting our faith in Him. Dave points out that as finite beings there are many things about our infinite God that we cannot comprehend, yet we can believe in Him based upon the reasons we can comprehend.

How Do You Know if a Sign or Wonder Is False?

April 30, 2021 • Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

The discussion in this program centers on the false signs and wonders in our day and the fact that they will increase all the more as the return of Jesus draws near. That was the reply of our Lord when His disciples asked Him what will it be like at His return. He said, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” There’s an erroneous belief fostered by the leaders in the Healing and Prosperity movement that miracles are the chief act of God to bring unbelievers to Himself. Dave and I explain why that’s not the case. In fact, the attraction to miracles is part of the last days apostasy.

Is Psychology a Sign of the Last Days?

April 16, 2021 • Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

“Well, psychology is simply Eastern mysticism dressed up in Western terms, trying to make it scientific.” And you know that we have had tests where they matched Western psychiatrists against voodoo priests, for example, or witchdoctors, and it came out a dead heat. The only difference was the witchdoctors released their patients sooner and charged less. But basically, it’s very much the same, and I think you’re right in pointing this out as one of the signs o f the last days.

Is the World Getting Ready for the Son of Perdition?

April 16, 2021 • Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

Welcome to The Berean Call podcast. I’m T. A. McMahon, TBC’s Executive Director. We’re currently re-airing a discussion I had with Dave Hunt in 2003 featuring his book Countdown to the Second Coming.   Perhaps the most significant proof that the Bible is God’s direct communication to mankind is its foretelling exactly what will take place following the time it was prophesied. It gives prophecies that were fulfilled days, months, years, hundreds of years, even thousands of years later. Certainly the historic accuracy of specific details related to the first coming of Jesus stands as confirmation of biblical prophecy. In this episode, Dave and I discuss the scriptural prophecies given mostly in the Book of Revelation. They deal with the Antichrist as the head of world government, his controlling global economics and business, his military might, and his being worshipped by the entire world. These all seemed impossible before the technology of our day. Yet perhaps the most unlikely aspect of the Antichrist’s religion is that humanity is being conditioned to believe they are gods or are becoming gods. Stay tuned as we address those issues and much more.

How Do We Know if We're in the Last Days?

April 9, 2021 • Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

Welcome to The Berean Call podcast. I’m T. A. McMahon, TBC’s Executive Director. We’re currently re-airing a discussion I had with Dave Hunt in 2003 featuring his book Countdown to the Second Coming.   What exactly are the Last Days? That’s the question Dave addresses and gives different perspectives, which he compares with what the Scriptures teach. Related to that is the question of what the Bible means when it uses the term “generation” pertaining to the Last Days.  This episode is loaded with related questions such as where does the Rapture fit in, and did the Apostles believe they were going to be Raptured? Dave didn’t think so, which he supports with a number of Bible verses. Those questions and much more are just ahead.

Will the Roman Empire Be Revived?

April 2, 2021 • Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

Welcome to The Berean Call podcast. I’m T. A. McMahon, TBC’s Executive Director. We’re currently re-airing a discussion I had with Dave Hunt in 2003 featuring his book Countdown to the Second Coming.   In this episode Dave addresses the Bible prophecy regarding the revived Roman Empire, an event that seemed impossible given the dominance of worldwide Communism. Yet it was through the involvement of Pope John Paul II, President Ronald Reagan, and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that the Berlin Wall came down and communism began to break up. Dave relates the significance of that historic event in opening the way for the coming kingdom of the Antichrist, which will take place after the church is caught up to heaven in the Rapture. The Antichrist, who will be empowered by Satan, will then rule over and be worshiped by the entire world. That discussion and more are just ahead.

What Could be Worse Than Death?

March 26, 2021 • Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

Welcome to The Berean Call podcast. I’m T.A. McMahon, TBC’s Executive Director. We’re currently re-airing a discussion I had with Dave Hunt in 2003 featuring his book, Countdown to the Second Coming. This program begins with my listing the significant events that the Bible addresses that have taken place throughout the history of the world, as well as the final events that are to come. Dave explains that the 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ on this earth is often misunderstood as the ultimate Kingdom of God. It is not. He also explains that what takes place as Jesus reigns in absolute righteousness demonstrates the incorrigible heart of perhaps millions who rebel against Him under the leadership of Satan. That’s followed by the new heavens and new earth and the Great White Throne Judgment. All those who have rejected Christ’s payment for sin will pay the eternal penalty for their own sins. Those topics and more are just ahead.

Will Christ Really Rule for a Thousand Years?

March 19, 2021 • Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

Welcome to The Berean Call podcast. I’m T. A. McMahon, TBC’s Executive Director. We’re currently re-airing a discussion I had with Dave Hunt in 2003 featuring his book Countdown to the Second Coming.   In this segment, Dave mentions that his biblical understanding of the Battle of Armageddon differs from many of the popular prophecy teachers today. He gives his perspective and touches upon the error of Replacement Theology and the disconcerting fact of the Jews being back in their land in unbelief.  He also addresses the Millennial Reign of Jesus as he rules over the entire world from Jerusalem, in addition to believers ruling with Him, and how the heart of the humans born during the 1,000 years of Christ’s rule refuse to turn to Him for salvation. Those topics and more are just ahead.

Significant Prophecies from Genesis to Revelation

March 12, 2021 • Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

Welcome to The Berean Call podcast. I’m T. A. McMahon, TBC’s Executive Director. We’re currently re-airing a discussion I had with Dave Hunt in 2003 featuring his book Countdown to the Second Coming.   In this segment, I recount a timeline of significant prophecies beginning with Genesis all the way to the Great Tribulation, which is indicated in the Book of Revelation. Dave refers to those prophecies as “history written in advance.” He explains the difference between the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Great White Throne Judgment. The former has to do with a believer’s works and the latter a person’s judgment for rejecting Jesus Christ. Dave also talks about the Antichrist and his false peace agreement with Israel. That—and much more—to come.

Does the Bible Write History in Advance?

March 5, 2021 • Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

In this program Dave underscores the fact that biblical prophecy is history written in advance. He gives the example of the prophecy in Daniel 9 that indicates that the temple would be destroyed and the Jews would be scattered throughout the world, which took place in AD 70. He explains what “Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles” means (Luke 21:24), and how it is still in effect today. He adds that the world’s solution to peace in the Middle East by dividing the land God that gave to Israel will bring about His judgment upon them (Joel 3:2).

Does God Cause Everything to Happen?

February 26, 2021 • Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

Tom: In this program, we’ve been going through Dave Hunt’s book Countdown to the Second Coming, and currently we’re concluding chapter 3. But we took a little side trip last week, which we hope our listeners found helpful. And if you missed the program, I went through a chronological list of key biblical events from Genesis to Revelation, and Dave added a brief commentary on each incident, and we got as far as the first coming of Jesus. Now, Dave, I think one of the values of this exercise is that it demonstrates that God has a plan for humanity—past, present, and future—and what’s taken place in history has not been random. What do you think? What are your thoughts?

Does the Bible Contain God's Plan for Humanity?

February 19, 2021 • Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

Welcome to The Berean Call podcast. I’m T. A. McMahon, TBC’s Executive Director. We’re currently re-airing a discussion I had with Dave Hunt in 2003 featuring his book Countdown to the Second Coming. In this program, I ask Dave to give a brief timeline of the events presented in the Bible. As one reads the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, it becomes clear that it’s not a series of random information, but a history that has a beginning and an ending of this temporal earth with critically important events in between. Its history has been prophesied well before the events have taken place thus far, and will take place in the future. That includes tremendous content that lies ahead for all those who read the Scriptures, and so thanks for joining Dave and me as we discuss what God has revealed in His Word.

Whats the Difference Between the Jews, Gentiles?

February 12, 2021 • Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

Welcome to The Berean Call podcast. I’m T. A. McMahon, TBC’s Executive Director. We’re currently re-airing a discussion I had with Dave Hunt in 2003 featuring his book Countdown to the Second Coming. In this program, we will be looking specifically at the difference between Jews and Gentiles (non-Jews). Dave gives great attention to this subject, describing God’s specific dealings with Israel, touching upon what Scripture calls “the time of Jacob’s trouble,” an unprecedented time of tribulation for God’s chosen people. We will also see God’s involvement with the church right up to the present, and consider how those plans are different for each group accordingly. God makes it clear that Israel is not the church, and the church is not Israel, although many try to gloss over that distinction today.