Occult Invasion

Radio Discussion

Should Christians Use Divining Rods? - The Occult Invasion

December 11, 2021 • T.A. McMahon, Dave Hunt

Dave: “Occult” comes from the Latin “occultis,” which means “concealed” or “hidden.” If you look it up in Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary it defines the occult as “hidden,” “concealed,” “secret,” “esoteric,” “beyond human understanding,” “mysterious,” and “designating of certain mystical arts or studies such as magic, alchemy, astrology,” and so forth. It’s a wide range. Basically, what it is is some kind of a power that is not physical and cannot be explained by human science. And I quote Archie Fire Lamedeer, a Lakota medicine man. It’s medicine men, witch doctors, so forth, that claim to have these occult powers, and he says, “A medicine man has spiritual powers to do something supernatural . . .” Now, it’s not supernatural, and somewhere we’ve got to deal with the difference. Tom: We will. We’re going to talk about naturalism and supernaturalism.

Can you Believe in the Bible AND Evolution? - The Occult Invasion

December 4, 2021 • T.A. McMahon, Dave Hunt

We’re continuing our discussion of Dave Hunt’s book Occult Invasion: The Subtle Seduction of the World and the Church. Now, Dave, for the last couple of weeks we’ve been underscoring the fact that the theory of evolution is not unique to Darwin or modern science, but its origins are religious and is, in fact, found in the lie Satan offered to Eve in the Garden of Eden, and is foundational to all false religions, especially Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. Then we covered theistic evolution, which we find among many professing Christians as an attempt to reconcile evolution and the Bible. Before we address the basic problems with evolution, let’s remind our audience why it cannot be compatible with what the Bible teaches.

Is Evolution Demonic? - The Occult Invasion

November 27, 2021 • T.A. McMahon, Dave Hunt

Tom: Our topic for this week is The Occult Invasion: The Subtle Seduction of the World and the Church by Dave Hunt, and for the past couple of weeks and for some weeks ahead, because the content of the book is fascinating. But also very important, because we are indeed in an occult invasion both in the world, and of greater concern to us, is the invasion that’s taking place in the church. Now, Dave, one of the things that people don’t realize – the church…you know, we have ministries, really good ministries, that address the creation/evolution problem. But sometimes it’s not advanced that evolution really goes way back, definitely before Darwin and his views. It goes back to Eastern mysticism. Dave: Well, evolution is part of the occult. It’s part of that lie that the serpent gave Eve in the Garden: You don’t die, you just get recycled. You’re being reincarnated, and you’re on a journey upward to godhood. There’s no point in coming back again and again if you’re not advancing. So reincarnation and evolution are very much related.

Is the Dalai Lama Really God? - The Occult Invasion

November 20, 2021 • T.A. McMahon, Dave Hunt

Today’s popular obsession with spiritual revolution, “societal transformation,” paranormal activity, and “supernatural” signs and wonders has not just magically appeared by chance. The world and the church are clearly being prepared for some great event—but what? when? why? and by whom? Today, children and adults alike are faced with an endless barrage of “supernatural” violence and sexualized content designed to assault the senses—not merely for titilation, but for transformation of values, beliefs, and lifestyles. Dave Hunt documents and exposes this false dichotomy of “darkness” and “light” that is not only deceiving the world—but countless believers in the professing evangelical church.

Radio Discussion - The Occult Invasion

November 13, 2021 • T.A. McMahon, Dave Hunt

Today’s popular obsession with spiritual revolution, “societal transformation,” paranormal activity, and “supernatural” signs and wonders has not just magically appeared by chance. The world and the church are clearly being prepared for some great event—but what? when? why? and by whom? Today, children and adults alike are faced with an endless barrage of “supernatural” violence and sexualized content designed to assault the senses—not merely for titilation, but for transformation of values, beliefs, and lifestyles. Dave Hunt documents and exposes this false dichotomy of “darkness” and “light” that is not only deceiving the world—but countless believers in the professing evangelical church.