
How is it Edifying to Focus on Error?

April 3, 2024 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon

Question: I know that false faiths abound, but I don’t find edification in focusing on error. Show me in the Word where false doctrine is explained. It seems to me that the Bible addresses Satan’s lies without going into detail of the actual practices.

Response: We at TBC take no pleasure in exposing and documenting false dogmas and practices. We do so only to expose error out of deep concern for souls. Yes, there are many kind, compassionate, and self-sacrificing Muslims who oppose terrorism. Yes, the Roman Catholic Church was the major charitable institution during the Middle Ages, often promoting morality and education. Most Catholics today do not know most of Rome’s official dogmas, but they still rely upon that Church and its clergy to get them out of “purgatory” and into heaven. Yes, many Mormons and Moonies espouse “traditional morals.” We do not oppose individuals but the largely false gospels they preach.

You ask for biblical support concerning the exposure of evil and false doctrines. The Bible gives much insight concerning Satan’s fall (Isa 14:12-15; Ezk 28:12-18), the details of his temptation of Eve (Gen 3:1-7), and of his attempt to destroy Job’s trust in and relationship with God (Job 1:1-2:7). There are too many accounts of idolatry and pagan practices and warnings against them to list all the verses (Lev 19:31; 20:1-6; Deut 18:9-14; Isa 47:8-13, etc.). The Bible goes into great detail concerning the apostasy of Israel, telling the sins of its kings and people, from the golden calf (Ex 32:1-28) to the Queen of Heaven (Jer 44:15-23); and again, there are too many references to list.