
Should Christians Use Divining Rods? - The Occult Invasion

December 11, 2021 • T.A. McMahon, Dave Hunt

Dave: “Occult” comes from the Latin “occultis,” which means “concealed” or “hidden.” If you look it up in Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary it defines the occult as “hidden,” “concealed,” “secret,” “esoteric,” “beyond human understanding,” “mysterious,” and “designating of certain mystical arts or studies such as magic, alchemy, astrology,” and so forth. It’s a wide range. Basically, what it is is some kind of a power that is not physical and cannot be explained by human science. And I quote Archie Fire Lamedeer, a Lakota medicine man. It’s medicine men, witch doctors, so forth, that claim to have these occult powers, and he says, “A medicine man has spiritual powers to do something supernatural . . .” Now, it’s not supernatural, and somewhere we’ve got to deal with the difference.

Tom: We will. We’re going to talk about naturalism and supernaturalism.