Rob was born again in 1976 and began attending Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa shortly after the end of the Jesus Movement. He began studying the Bible, and was convinced of its inerrancy, sufficiency, and authority through studying it, and through the teachings of Chuck Smith, Dave Hunt, Dr. Henry M. Morris, J. Vernon McGee, and others. Rob served on the board of elders at CCCM from 1998 until the death of Chuck Smith in 2013.
He attended a liberal college and, by God’s grace, recognized the unbiblical nature of the teachings of the brilliant (but deceived) theology professors. After graduation, he moved to South Carolina, while his wife attended her senior year at Bob Jones University.
Rob “stalked” Dave Hunt (his speaking engagements were noted in The Berean Call), eventually becoming friends with Dave, and setting up/attending over 100 of Dave’s talks in Southern California and Arizona.
Rob is currently the Executive Director of The Berean Call and sits on the board of directors of Thru the Bible (J. Vernon McGee), The Institute for Creation Research (founded by Henry Morris), and other Christian ministries.