
Abiding in Love

March 14, 2021 • Wayne Williams

**This week we are discussing Abiding in the True Vine from John 15:1-17. Jesus tells the disciples that he is the True Vine, that God the Father is the vinedresser and that we are the branches. Discuss these questions around your tables with your family, friends, or small group.**

1. Read through John 15:1-17 (ESV) and count how many times you see the word abide. What is the importance of abiding with Jesus? How have you seen Jesus abiding and remaining with you?
2. Go around the table and share with one another how closely connected you are with Jesus? Have you gone through moments this year where you have felt disconnected from Jesus? What were those moments like? If you are close with Jesus, how can you make sure that you remain close with him during difficult times?
3. Jesus says that God the Father is the vinedresser that prunes and cuts. Sometimes these moments can be difficult and maybe even painful in our life. How have you experienced God pruning and removing things in your life that have made you more fruitful in your faith journey?

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